Søk: '1945-1995'
I strid siden freden : historien om VÃ¥rt land 1945-1995
ISBN 9788290021400 , 1994 , Per Voksø
Øst, vest, nord, sør: hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk 1945-1995
ISBN 9788200225362 , 1996 , Geir Lundestad
NRK sviktet da det gjaldt: i fremstillingen av "Norge og 2. Verdenskrig", 1945-1995
ISBN 9788279100034 , 2001 , Aage Georg Sivertsen
Deutsch-Skandinavisch im Vergleich: eine bibliographische Ubersicht uber linguistische und lexikographische Arbeiden (1945-1995)
ISBN 9788270992638 , 1996 , Kurt Braunmüller
Africa Bibliography 1995: Works Published on Africa in 1995
ISBN 9780748608782 , 1996 , Chris Allen, Christopher H. Allen
International Relations Since 1945
ISBN 9780199693061 , 2013 , John W. Young, John Kent
Innkjøpt 1995-2000
ISBN 9788275470841 , 2001 , Edith Lundebrekke, Harald Solberg,m.fl.
Glory Days: Works 1995-2007
ISBN 9783858812186 , 2008 , Bart De Baere, Marta Kuzma, Mikhail Ryklin,m.fl.
Oslo: 1925-1945
ISBN 9788292496800 , 2009 , Jon Gunnar Arntzen, Stig-Audun Hansen
Arkitekturteorier siden 1945
ISBN 9788774072379 , 2001 , Nils-Ole Lund
The British Isles Since 1945
ISBN 9780199248384 , 2003 , Kathleen Burk
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788204124876 , 2006 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788249607051 , 2003 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
World Politics Since 1945
ISBN 9781405899383 , 2008 , Peter Calvocoressi
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788204099921 , 2004 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
European Dictatorships, 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454841 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Sculpture Since 1945
ISBN 9780192842053 , 1998 , Andrew Causey
The Nordic Model: Scandinavia Since 1945
ISBN 9781861893666 , 2008
The British Isles Since 1945
ISBN 9780198731801 , 2003 , Kathleen Burk
Lovavdelingens uttalelser; supplementsutgave. 1992-1995
ISBN 9788241708541 , 1997 , Geir Woxholth, Wilhelm Matheson
Trøndelag sambandsbataljon 1946-1995
ISBN 9788290545586 , 1997 , Berit Falkberget Engøy, Tor-Amund Aas
23rd Report [Session 1995-96]
ISBN 9780104080962 , 1996 , Robert Scott Alexander Alexander of Weedon,m.fl.
26th Report, Session 1995-96
ISBN 9780104095966 , 1996 , Robert Scott Alexander Alexander of Weedon,m.fl.
27th Report, Session 1995-96
ISBN 9780104099964 , 1996 , Robert Scott Alexander Alexander of Weedon,m.fl.
28th Report, Session 1995-96
ISBN 9780104110966 , 1996 , Great Britain,m.fl.
Gyldendals Atlas Sua Dk 1995
ISBN 9788700172586 , 1994 , Merete Rentsch
European dictatorships: 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454858 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Advances in Financial Economics: 1995
ISBN 9781559389754 , 1995 , Mark Hirschey, M. Wayne Marr
Yearbook of nordic statistics 1995
ISBN 9789291205516 , 1995 , Nordic Council of Ministers
Filmen i Norge: norske kinofilmer 1995-2011
ISBN 9788205413986 , 2011