Søk: 'A Perspective Look at Nonlinear Media: From Physics to Biology and Social Sciences'
A Perspective Look at Nonlinear Media: From Physics to Biology and Social Sciences
ISBN 9783540639954 , 1998 , Jürgen Parisi, Stefan C. Müller,m.fl.
Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research
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A Look at Australia
ISBN 9780736811651 , 2002 , Helen Frost, Gail Saunders-Smith
Learning to Look at Paintings
ISBN 9780415435185 , 2008 , Mary Acton
Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research
ISBN 9781412996433 , 2011 , Steven J. Kirsh
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering
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Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research
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Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research
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A New Look at Social Cognition in Groups
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Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective
ISBN 9780521883221 , 2008 , Michael Keating, Donatella Della Porta
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective
ISBN 9780521709668 , 2008 , Michael Keating, Donatella Della Porta
Alternatives to cognition: a new look at explaining human social behavior
ISBN 9780805826548 , 1997
Learning to Look at Modern Art
ISBN 9780415238120 , 2004 , Mary Acton
A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
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A Look Back at Old Fife
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A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
ISBN 9780745635125 , 2005 , Asa Briggs, Peter Burke
A Social History Of The Media: From Gutenberg To The Internet
ISBN 9780745635118 , 2005 , Peter Burke, Asa, Briggs
A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
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A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
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Development and social change: a global perspective
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A Closer Look at His Dark Materials
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Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective
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A Look at Derailment Today: North America and Europe
ISBN 9781882197156 , 1996 , Jean Brittain Leslie, Ellen Van Velsor
Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9780761988106 , 2004 , Philip McMichael
Making Sense: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing : Social Sciences
ISBN 9780195430578 , 2009 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Making sense: a student's guide to research and writing : social sciences
ISBN 9780195421002 , 2005 , James Russell, Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey
Making sense: social sciences : a student's guide to research and writing
ISBN 9780195416473 , 2002 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Look to Windward
ISBN 9781841490595 , 2012 , Iain M. Banks
Understanding Social Media
ISBN 9781446201213 , 2013 , Sam Hinton, Larissa Hjorth
A New Look at 16th Century Counterpoint
ISBN 9780819123916 , 1982 , Margarita Merriman