Søk: 'A School in Every Village: Educational Reform in a Northeast China County, 1904-31'
A School in Every Village: Educational Reform in a Northeast China County, 1904-31
ISBN 9780774821766 , 2012 , Elizabeth R. VanderVen
Bird in a Cage: Legal Reform in China After Mao
ISBN 9780804743785 , 2002 , Stanley B. Lubman
A Lesson in School Reform from Great Britain
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Bird in a Cage: Legal Reform in China After Mao
ISBN 9780804736640 , 2000 , Stanley B. Lubman
Banking Reform in India and China
ISBN 9780312239350 , 2004 , Lawrence Sáez
Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School
ISBN 9780415624572 , 2012 , Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan
Banking Reform in India and China
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Producing Guanxi: Sentiment, Self, and Subculture in a North China Village
ISBN 9780822318736 , 1997 , Andrew B. Kipnis
Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village
ISBN 9780521053310 , 2007 , Marguerite S. Robinson
A Lighthouse Village
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A Lighthouse Village
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China: A Handbook in Intercultural Communication
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A comparison of the educational ideas and practices of John Dewey and Mao Zedong in China: is school society or society school?
ISBN 9780773497993 , 1992 , Xu Di
Medicine in China: A History of Ideas
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Governing Educational Desire: Culture, Politics, and Schooling in China
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One step ahead in China: Guangdong under reform
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A Study In Consciousness - A Contribution To The Science Of Psychology (1904)
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Cultural Studies and Cultural Industries in Northeast Asia: What a Difference a Region Makes
ISBN 9789622099746 , 2009 , Chris Berry, Jonathan D. Mackintosh,m.fl.
Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living through Change
ISBN 9780203465141 , 2003 , Beth C. Rubin, Elena M. Silva
Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living Through Change
ISBN 9780415302678 , 2003 , Beth C. Rubin, Elena M. Silva
Critical Voices in School Reform: Students Living Through Change
ISBN 9780415302685 , 2003 , Beth C. Rubin, Elena M. Silva
Cases in Educational Psychology: A Canadian Perspective
ISBN 9780130914194 , 2002 , DURKIN
A History of Christian Missions in China
ISBN 9781593337865 , 2009 , Kenneth Latourette
Ngecha: a Kenyan village in a time of rapid social change
ISBN 9780803248090 , 2004 , Carolyn P. Edwards, Beatrice Blyth Whiting
Christmas in Noisy Village
ISBN 9780140503449 , 2011 , Astrid Lindgren, Ilon Wikland
A Punjabi Village in Perspective: Book I: A Punjabi Village in Pakistan: The Community; Book II: The Economic Life of a Punjabi Village: The Land and the Economy
ISBN 9780195477238 , 2010 , Zekiya Eglar, Zekiye Suleyman Eglar
Left Back: A Century of Battles Over School Reform
ISBN 9780743203265 , 2001 , Ravitch
Learning Together : Children and Adults in a School Community: Children and Adults in a School Community
ISBN 9780195160314 , 2002 , Barbara Rogoff, Leslee Bartlett,m.fl.
A Village Affair
ISBN 9780552994101 , 1990 , Joanna Trollope