Søk: 'A Woman in Berlin: Diary 20 April 1945 to 22 June 1945'
A Woman in Berlin: Diary 20 April 1945 to 22 June 1945
ISBN 9781844081110 , 2005
En kvinne i Berlin: dagboknotater fra 20. april til 22. juni 1945
ISBN 9788204123756 , 2006 , Anonym
En kvinne i Berlin: dagboknotater fra 20. april til 22. juni 1945
ISBN 9788204104953 , 2005 , Ute Neumann, Anonym
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788204124876 , 2006 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788249607051 , 2003 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
Berlin: nederlaget 1945
ISBN 9788204099921 , 2004 , Antony Beevor, Arne-Carsten Carlsen
Berlin: The Downfall 1945
ISBN 9780141017471 , 2005 , Antony Beevor
Berlin: The Downfall 1945
ISBN 9780140286960 , 2003 , Antony Beevor
A Companion to Post-1945 America
ISBN 9780631223252 , 2002 , Jean-Christophe Agnew, Roy Rosenzweig
Movements in Art Since 1945
ISBN 9780500203446 , 2001 , Edward Lucie-Smith
Nationalism in Europe 1789-1945
ISBN 9780521598712 , 1998 , Timothy Baycroft
Oslo: 1925-1945
ISBN 9788292496800 , 2009 , Jon Gunnar Arntzen, Stig-Audun Hansen
Arne Ordings dagbøker: 24. juli 1945 - 4. april 1949
ISBN 9788215004822 , 2003 , Arne Ording, Gerd Mordt, Riksarkivet
International Relations Since 1945
ISBN 9780199693061 , 2013 , John W. Young, John Kent
Arkitekturteorier siden 1945
ISBN 9788774072379 , 2001 , Nils-Ole Lund
Sculpture Since 1945
ISBN 9780192842053 , 1998 , Andrew Causey
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9780099542032 , 2010 , Tony Judt
Europe Since 1945: A Concise History
ISBN 9781403917904 , 2006 , J.Robert Wegs, Robert Ladrech
World Politics Since 1945
ISBN 9781405899383 , 2008 , Peter Calvocoressi
Conflicts in the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9780415440172 , 2007 , Beverley Milton-Edwards, Peter Hinchcliffe
A History of Fascism: 1914-1945
ISBN 9781857285956 , 1996 , Stanley G. Payne
European Dictatorships, 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454841 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9781446418024 , 2011 , Tony Judt
European dictatorships: 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454858 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
The British Isles Since 1945
ISBN 9780199248384 , 2003 , Kathleen Burk
Islamic Fundamentalism Since 1945
ISBN 9780415301732 , 2005 , Beverley Milton-Edwards
Conflicts in the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9780415440165 , 2007 , Peter Hinchcliffe
Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis
ISBN 9780140272390 , 2001 , Ian Kershaw
Sentraladministrasjonens historie etter 1945. Bd. 1: ekspansjonsbyråkratiets tid, 1945-1980
ISBN 9788245008951 , 2009 , Tore Grønlie, Yngve Flo
Postwar: a history of europe science 1945
ISBN 9780143037750 , 2006 , Tony Judt