Søk: 'A concept of dramatic genre and the comedy of a new type: chess, literature, and film'
A concept of dramatic genre and the comedy of a new type: chess, literature, and film
ISBN 9780809324521 , 2002 , V. Ulea
Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780631230557 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780631230540 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
A Companion to Literature and Film
ISBN 9781405177559 , 2007 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
A Companion to Literature and Film
ISBN 9780631230533 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Film Genre: Hollywood And Beyond
ISBN 9780748619030 , 2005 , Barry Langford
A Comedy of Conscience
ISBN 9781110835751 , 2009 , S. Weir Mitchell
A Comedy of Conscience
ISBN 9781110835782 , 2009 , S. Weir Mitchell
A New Concept of Co-operative Security
ISBN 9780815781455 , 1992 , Ashton B. Carter, William J. Perry,m.fl.
A New History of German Literature
ISBN 9780674015036 , 2005 , David E. Wellbery, Judith Ryan,m.fl.
ISBN 9780851707174 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
Revisioning history: film and the construction of a new past
ISBN 9780691025346 , 1994 , Robert A. Rosenstone
ISBN 9780851707181 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
Genre and the New Rhetoric
ISBN 9780748402564 , 1994 , Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter
A History Of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film
ISBN 9780231141628 , 2008 , Michael Berry
Worldview: The History of a Concept
ISBN 9780802847614 , 2002 , David K. Naugle
Film Comedy
ISBN 9781903364352 , 2002
Now a Major Motion Picture: Film Adaptations of Literature and Drama
ISBN 9780742538214 , 2007 , Christine Geraghty
Film comedy
ISBN 9781903364369 , 2002
A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne, Volume 2
ISBN 9781143687426 , 2010 , Adolphus William Ward
Film Genre Reader
ISBN 9780292701847
Legend and Belief: Dialectics of a Folklore Genre
ISBN 9780253339294 , 2001 , Linda Degh
Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life
ISBN 9780230246133 , 2011 , Esther Dermott, Julie Seymour
Eventness: A Concept of the Theatrical Event
ISBN 9789186434342 , 2008 , Willmar Sauter
A Comedy of Clerical Errors
ISBN 9780750509022 , 1996 , Fred Secombe
A Digest of English and American Literature
ISBN 9781147044669 , 2010 , Alfred Hix Welsh
A Natural Perspective: The Development of Shakespeare Comedy and Romance
ISBN 9780231082716 , 1995 , Northrop Frye, Stanley Cavell
Inner Workings of the Novel: Studying a Genre
ISBN 9780230106987 , 2011 , Allan H. Pasco
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Volumes a and B
ISBN 9780393913095 , 2012 , Nina Baym, Jerome Klinkowitz, Robert S. Levine,m.fl.
Bound to bond: gender, genre, and the Hollywood romantic comedy
ISBN 9780275972714 , 2001 , Mark D. Rubinfeld