Søk: 'Absent at the creation: Britain and the formation of the European Community, 1950-2'
Absent at the creation: Britain and the formation of the European Community, 1950-2
ISBN 9781855215207 , 1996 , Christopher Lord
The European Community
ISBN 9780631191728 , 1994 , Allan Williams
The Social Dimension of the European Community
ISBN 9788716132161 , 1993 , Ruth Nielsen, Erika M. Szyszczak
Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe : 1950-2000
ISBN 9780415226479 , 2000 , Burgess Michael
Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000
ISBN 9781857287172 , 1999 , Michael Burgess
Historical dictionary of the European community
ISBN 9780810826663 , 1993 , Desmond Dinan
Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain
ISBN 9780199216659 , 2007 , Stefan Collini
Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain
ISBN 9780199291052 , 2006 , Stefan Collini
Birthmarks of Europe: The Origins of the European Community Reconsidered
ISBN 9780754614876 , 2004 , Edelgard Elsbeth Mahant
The Wisdom of Creation
ISBN 9780814651223 , 2004
Challenging retrenchment: the United States, Great Britain and the Middle East, 1950-1980
ISBN 9788251925884 , 2010 , Tore T. Petersen
The pillars of creation
ISBN 9780575073753 , 2002 , Terry Goodkind
The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology
ISBN 9781844673018 , 2009 , Slavoj Zizek
Britain, France and the Struggle for Leadership in the European Union
ISBN 9780415365635 , 2006 , Anthony Adamthwaite
The Nations of Britain
ISBN 9780198742876 , 2005 , Christopher G.A. Bryant
Formation of the Moral Self
ISBN 9780802844392 , 1998 , J. A. van der Ven
The Battle of Britain
ISBN 9781856055352 , 2003 , Jon Lake
Parting the Desert: The Creation of the Suez Canal
ISBN 9780719561726 , 2004 , Zachary Karabell
The charismatic leader: the presentation of self and the creation of educational settings
ISBN 9781412916950 , 2005 , Dale L. Brubaker
The charismatic leader: the presentation of self and the creation of educational settings
ISBN 9781412916967 , 2005 , Dale L. Brubaker
Environmental Policy-Making In Britain, Germany and the European Union
ISBN 9780719073342 , 2006 , Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel
The Formation of National Party Systems: Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain, India, and the United States
ISBN 9780691119328 , 2004 , Pradeep K. Chhibber, Ken Kollman
The Political System of the European Union
ISBN 9780230249820 , 2011 , Simon Hix
The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity
ISBN 9780195126600 , 1999 , George L. Mosse
The Prophecy: Voluspa : the Prophecy of the Vikings : the Creation of the World
ISBN 9789979856276 , 2002 , Bernard Scudder, Dagfin Werenskiold
Chambers of Commerce in Britain and Germany and the Single European Market
ISBN 9780905492834 , 1993 , m.fl.
Entrepreneurship in a European Perspective: Concepts for the Creation and Growth of New Ventures
ISBN 9783834987525 , 2010 , Christine K. Volkmann, Kim Oliver Tokarski,m.fl.
Vygotsky and the Social Formation of Mind
ISBN 9780674943513 , 1988 , James V. Wertsch
The Institutions of the European Union
ISBN 9780199279005 , 2006 , John Peterson, Michael Shackleton
International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration: Power, Security and Community
ISBN 9780203187807 , 2002 , Williams Michael