Søk: 'Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia'
Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
ISBN 9780521771771 , 2007 , Jonathan Spencer
Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
ISBN 9780521777469 , 2007 , Jonathan Spencer
Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
ISBN 9780231700450 , 2010 , Jeroen Gunning
Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
ISBN 9781849040297 , 2009 , Jeroen Gunning
Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa: Participation, Accountability and Performance
ISBN 9780521636476 , 1998 , Richard Charles Crook, James Manor
Islam and Muslim History in South Asia
ISBN 9780195663594 , 2003 , Francis Robinson
State and politics in India
ISBN 9780195647655 , 1998 , Partha Chatterjee
In Search of Better Governance in South Asia and Beyond
ISBN 9781461473718 , 2013 , Steinar Askvik, Ishtiaq Jamil
South Asian Religions on Display: Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora
ISBN 9780415544894 , 2009
Governance, Politics and the State
ISBN 9780333718483 , 2000 , B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
Southern Paternalism and the American Welfare State: Economics, Politics, and Institutions in the South, 1865-1965
ISBN 9780521035798 , 2007 , Lee J. Alston, Joseph P. Ferrie
Governance, Politics, and the State
ISBN 9780333786949 , 2000 , B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
An Introduction to the Modern Anthropology of South-east Asia
ISBN 9780415297516 , 2002 , William D. Wilder, Victor Terry King
Democracy and the State: The Rise of Administrative Politics in Britain, France, and the United States
ISBN 9780813383194 , 1998 , B. Guy Peters, James Frank Hollifield
Southern Paternalism and the American Welfare State: Economics, Politics, and Institutions in the South, 1865-1965
ISBN 9780521622103 , 1999 , Randall Calvert, Thrainn Eggertsson,m.fl.
Anthropology and Politics: Revolutions in the Sacred Grove
ISBN 9780631199182 , 1995 , Ernest Gellner
Anthropology and Politics: Revolutions in the Sacred Grove
ISBN 9780631199175 , 1995 , Ernest Gellner
The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
ISBN 9780674030596 , 2008 , Martha C. Nussbaum
Subalterns and Raj: South Asia Since 1600
ISBN 9780415214841 , 2005 , Crispin Bates
Islam in Asia: Religion, Politics, and Society
ISBN 9780195040821 , 1987 , John L. Esposito
Contemporary World Cinema: Europe, the Middle East, East Asia And South Asia
ISBN 9780748617999 , 2005 , Shohini Chaudhuri
The clash within: democracy, religious violence, and India's future
ISBN 9780674024823 , 2007
Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia
ISBN 9780520282155 , 2014 , Adeeb Khalid
Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market
ISBN 9780415564038 , 2010 , Peter Gries, Stanley Rosen
Taming the Regulatory State: Politics and Ethics
ISBN 9781848444232 , 2009 , Noralv Veggeland
Power, community and the state: the political anthropology of organisation in Mexico
ISBN 9780745319469 , 2003 , Monique Nuijten
Women In Motion: Globalization, State Policies, And Labor Migration In Asia
ISBN 9780804746380 , 2005 , Nana Oishi
Islam After Communism: Religion And Politics in Central Asia
ISBN 9780520249271 , 2007 , Adeeb Khalid
Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy, and the State
ISBN 9780415263887 , 2002 , Charles K. Armstrong
Altered state?: writing and South Africa
ISBN 9781871049725 , 1994 , Laura Chrisman, Kenneth Parker