Søk: 'Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice'
Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice
ISBN 9781841502816 , 2009 , Monica Prendergast, Juliana Saxton
Programme Notes: Case Studies for Locating Experimental Theatre
ISBN 9780954604042 , 2007
Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
ISBN 9780734611697 , 2012 , Jo Caust
Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
ISBN 9780734611581 , 2012 , Jo Caust
Applied Asymptotics: Case Studies in Small-Sample Statistics
ISBN 9780521847032 , 2007 , Alessandra R. Brazzale,m.fl.
Evolutionary Genetics : Concepts and Case Studies: Concepts and Case Studies
ISBN 9780195168181 , 2006
Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
ISBN 9780792301585 , 1989 , Mark Nichter
Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
ISBN 9780792300052 , 1989 , Mark Nichter
Business Communication: International Case Studies in English
ISBN 9780521657518 , 1998 , Drew Rodgers
Business Communication: International Case Studies in English
ISBN 9780312111717 , 1995 , Drew Rogers
International development studies: theories and methods in research and practice
ISBN 9781412929455 , 2008 , Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
Contracting Out Government Services: Best Practice Guidelines and Case Studies
ISBN 9789264156890 , 1998 , m.fl.
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024800 , 2011 , Paul Willis, Chris Barker
International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412929448 , 2008 , Andy Sumner, Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
Applied International Trade
ISBN 9780230521544 , 2012
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780203860946 , 2010 , Ali Madanipour
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780415553865 , 2009 , Ali Madanipour
The Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies
ISBN 9780415504201 , 2014 , Erika Fischer-Lichte, Ramona Mosse,m.fl.
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Developing Cultures: Case Studies
ISBN 9780415952804 , 2006 , Lawrence E. Harrison, Peter Ludwig Berger
Developing Cultures: Case Studies
ISBN 9780415952798 , 2006 , Peter L. Berger, Lawrence E. Harrison
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies
ISBN 9780521672238 , 2008 , Christopher B. Balme
Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780521110020 , 2011 , Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle
Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body
ISBN 9780763742003 , 2006 , Stanton Braude, Deena Goran, Shelley Maxfield,m.fl.
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924153 , 2008 , Chris Barker
Opposing Europe?: Case studies and country surveys
ISBN 9780199258307 , 2008 , Aleks Szczerbiak, Paul A. Taggart
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761941569 , 2003 , Chris Barker
Case Studies In Nursing Ethics
ISBN 9780763780319 , 2010 , Sara T. Fry, Robert M. Veatch, Carol R. Taylor
International Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781782546221 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews