Søk: 'Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy'
Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9780754656555 , 2007 , Louise Bourdua, Anne Dunlop
Art in Renaissance Italy
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Art in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9781856692663 , 2001 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
Art in Renaissance Italy
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Art, power, and patronage in Renaissance Italy
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Art in Renaissance Italy. John T. Paoletti & Gary M. Radke
ISBN 9781856697972 , 2011 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
ISBN 9780745621388 , 1999 , Peter Burke
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
ISBN 9780691006789 , 1999 , Peter Burke
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
ISBN 9780140445343 , 1990 , Jacob Burckhardt
Northern Renaissance Art
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Classes, Estates and Order in Early-modern Brittany
ISBN 9780521533140 , 2003 , John Elliott, Olwen Hufton, H.G. Koenigsberger,m.fl.
Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750
ISBN 9780300079395 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780521643009 , 2000 , Patricia Lee Rubin, Giovanni Ciappelli
The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
ISBN 9780226771878 , 1997 , Leo Steinberg
The Art of the Renaissance
ISBN 9780500200087 , 1963 , Peter Murray, Linda Murray
The Art of Fresco Painting: In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
ISBN 9780486432939 , 2004 , Mrs Mary P Merrifield
Art and architecture in Italy: 1250 to 1400
ISBN 9780300055856 , 1993 , John White
Giammaria Mosca Called Padovano: A Renaissance Sculptor in Italy and Poland
ISBN 9780271016740 , 1998 , Anne Markham Schulz, Giammaria Mosca
Early Medieval Art
ISBN 9780192842435 , 2002 , Lawrence Nees
The Media in Italy
ISBN 9780335222858 , 2007 , Matthew Hibberd
Art of the Korean Renaissance, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780300148916 , 2009 , Soyoung Lee, JaHyun Kim Haboush, Sunpyo Hong,m.fl.
The Media in Italy
ISBN 9780335222865 , 2007 , Matthew Hibberd, A.Stuart Hibberd
Art and architecture in Italy, 1600-1750: The high Baroque, 1625-1675
ISBN 9780300079401 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, John Pinto, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
The Renaissance in Rome
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Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance
ISBN 9780064300254 , 1972 , Erwin Panofsky, Gerda S. Panofsky
Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750: The late Baroque, 1675-1750
ISBN 9780300079418 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, John Pinto, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque Sojourns in and Out of Italy: Essays in Architectural History
ISBN 9780915773077 , 1992 , Henry A. Millon, Susan Clare Scott
American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman
ISBN 9780195007596 , 1968
Renaissance Florence: The Invention of a New Art
ISBN 9780131344013 , 2005 , Richard Turner
Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe : Conference on Renaissance Woman/Renaissance Man: Studies in the Creation of Culture and Society : Papers
ISBN 9780226243146 , 1986 , Margaret W. Ferguson, Maureen Quilligan,m.fl.