Søk: 'Belgrade and beyond: the CSCE process in perspective'
Belgrade and beyond: the CSCE process in perspective
ISBN 9789028602502 , 1980
The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
ISBN 9780761961062 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process
ISBN 9780761961055 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
Strategy: Process, Content, Context, An International Perspective
ISBN 9781408019023 , 2010 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
ISBN 9780745639819 , 2009
Devising in Process
ISBN 9780230573673 , 2010
Leaders and the Leadership Process
ISBN 9780071289528 , 2011 , Jon Lepley Pierce, John W. Newstrom
Interpreting Art in the Museum, Gallery and Beyond
ISBN 9780415419222 , 2011
Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process
ISBN 9781437722338 , 2011 , Sylvia Escott-Stump, L. Kathleen Mahan,m.fl.
Leaders and the Leadership Process
ISBN 9780078137105 , 2010 , Jon Pierce, John Newstrom
Explosion Hazards in the Process Industries
ISBN 9780976511342 , 2005 , Rolf K. Eckhoff
In-Process Measurement and Control
ISBN 9780824781309 , 1990 , S.D. Murphy
The Public Policy Process
ISBN 9781408288894 , 2012 , Michael Hill
In Search of Better Governance in South Asia and Beyond
ISBN 9781461473718 , 2013 , Steinar Askvik, Ishtiaq Jamil
Uml and the Unified Process
ISBN 9781931777445 , 2003 , Liliana Favre
African Politics in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9781107651418 , 2012 , Goran Hyden
Process Dynamics and Control
ISBN 9780470646106 , 2011 , Duncan A. Mellichamp, Thomas F. Edgar,m.fl.
The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective
ISBN 9780415525442 , 2013 , Massimo Ragnedda, Glenn W. Muschert
Project Management: The Managerial Process
ISBN 9781259010705 , 2014 , Erik W. Larson, Gray
Genetics and Ethics in Global Perspective
ISBN 9781402017681 , 2004 , Dorothy C. Wertz, John C. Fletcher,m.fl.
The Helping Relationship: Process and Skills
ISBN 9780205355204 , 2002 , Lawrence M. Brammer, Ginger MacDonald
Cicero on the attack: invective and subversion in the orations and beyond
ISBN 9781905125197 , 2007
2012 and Beyond
ISBN 9781844091829 , 2009 , Diana Cooper
Genetics and Ethics in Global Perspective
ISBN 9781402028809 , 2004 , Dorothy C. Wertz, John C. Fletcher
Empire and Beyond
ISBN 9780745640488 , 2008 , Ed Emery
Research and Teaching: Beyond the Divide
ISBN 9781403934352 , 2006 , Angela Brew
Peacebuilding In Postconflict Societies: Strategy And Process
ISBN 9781588263117 , 2005 , Ho-Won Jeong
The Rise and Decline of the American "Empire": Power and Its Limits in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780199646104 , 2012 , Geir Lundestad
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective
ISBN 9780521883221 , 2008 , Michael Keating, Donatella Della Porta
Resonance: Beyond the Words
ISBN 9780226924472 , 2013 , Unni Wikan