Søk: 'Breaking News: Renaissance Journalism and the Birth of the Newspaper'
Breaking News: Renaissance Journalism and the Birth of the Newspaper
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The Handbook of Journalism: All About Newspaper Work
ISBN 9780559617843 , 2008 , Nathaniel Clark Fowler
Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy
ISBN 9780803973145 , 2004 , Barbie Zelizer
The vanishing newspaper: saving journalism in the information age
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The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the Information Age
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Newspaper Journalism: A Practical Introduction
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Newspaper Journalism: A Practical Introduction
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Practical Journalism: A Complete Manual of the Best Newspaper Methods
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How to Succeed in Newspaper Journalism
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New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age
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Knightfall: Knight Ridder And How The Erosion Of Newspaper Journalism Is Putting Democracy At Risk
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Journalism for the 21st century: online information, electronic databases, and the news
ISBN 9780313277504 , 1991
Journalism for the 21st century: online information, electronic databases, and the news
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International Herald Tribune: In the News: Mastering Reading and Language Skills with the Newspaper
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The Sociology of Journalism
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The Handbook of Journalism Studies
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Breaking the Code of Change
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Democracy and the news
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Democracy and the News
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Breaking the Ice
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Making Online News: Newsroom ethnographies in the second decade of internet journalism. Vol. 2
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The Globalization of News
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The Globalization of News
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News from nowhere: television and the news
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Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
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Making Online News: Newsroom ethnographies in the second decade of internet journalism. Vol. 2
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Classical Greece and the Birth of Western Art
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Best Newspaper Writing: Winners: The American Society of Newspaper Editors Competition
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The Power of News
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