Søk: 'British and American English Pronunciation'
British and American English Pronunciation
ISBN 9788215001524 , 2005 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
British and American English Pronunciation
ISBN 9788200225621 , 1996 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
English pronunciation and intonation: British, American and World Englishes
ISBN 9788215015699 , 2010 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
English Pronunciation: A Workbook : British Version
ISBN 9789144043654 , 2005 , Stig Johansson, Goran Ronnerdal
English pronunciation : a workbook : American version
ISBN 9789144045375
Standard British And American English: A Brief Overview
ISBN 9788762902947 , 2005 , Karol Janicki
Berlitz English Pronunciation
ISBN 9789812466877 , 2006
A Dictionary Of English Pronunciation - With American Variants.
ISBN 9781406752724 , 2007 , Harold Edward Palmer, James Victor Martin,m.fl.
Targeting Pronunciation: The Intantion, Sounds and Rhythm of American English
ISBN 9780395903315 , 1999 , Sue F. Miller
Better English Pronunciation
ISBN 9780521231527 , 1980 , J.D. O'Connor
Gimson's Pronunciation of English
ISBN 9780340582657 , 1994 , A.C. Gimson, Alan Cruttenden
Auntie Mel's English Grammar, Syntax and Pronunciation
ISBN 9781424331994 , 2007 , Melissa Sapp-Smith
A Course in English Intonation: (received Pronunciation)
ISBN 9788200228776 , 2008 , Barbara Bird
English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
ISBN 9789607012487 , 1997 , Michael Sideri
English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
ISBN 9789607012500 , 1997 , Michael Sideri
ISBN 9789607012470 , 1995 , Michael Sideri, Panos Moysides
Oxford guide to British and American culture: for learners of English
ISBN 9780194313322 , 2003 , Jonathan Crowther, Kathryn Kavanagh
Czech-English and English-Czech Pocket Dictionary: With English Pronunciation in Both Sides
ISBN 9788071821335 , 2003 , Jiri Kucera
A Handbook of Pronunciation of English Words
ISBN 9788120306707 , 2004 , J. Sethi, D. V. Jindal
American Legal English
ISBN 9780472003259 , 2008
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary
ISBN 9781405881180 , 2008 , John Wells
Studies in English and American Literature
ISBN 9781143264467 , 2010 , Goodloe Harper Bell
Insight : aspects of British and American civilization
ISBN 9788203136276 , 1991 , Alf Bårtvedt
Arabic (Syrian) Self-Taught: With English Phonetic Pronunciation
ISBN 9788120618039 , 2003 , A. Hassam, N. Odeh
Student's Outline of British and American History
ISBN 9783464024225 , 1992 , Frank Hugelmann
Longman Dictionary of American English
ISBN 9780582794467
An introduction to the pronunciation of English
ISBN 9780713155747 , 1970
A Digest of English and American Literature
ISBN 9781147044669 , 2010 , Alfred Hix Welsh
English Pronunciation in Use Advanced Book with Answers and 5 Audio CDs
ISBN 9780521619608 , 2007 , Martin Hewings
An Introduction to American English
ISBN 9780631197928 , 2001 , Gunnel Tottie