Søk: 'Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences'
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
ISBN 9780472084722 , 1997 , L. Douglas Kiel, Euel W. Elliott
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
ISBN 9780472106387 , 1996 , L. Douglas Kiel, Euel W. Elliott
Knowledge And The Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780415329767 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780203392201 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method and Practice
ISBN 9780415222860 , 2000 , David S. Goldblatt
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780203860946 , 2010 , Ali Madanipour
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780415553865 , 2009 , Ali Madanipour
Communicating in the health and social sciences
ISBN 9780195516982 , 2005
Evolutionary Genetics : Concepts and Case Studies: Concepts and Case Studies
ISBN 9780195168181 , 2006
Case Studies In Nursing Ethics
ISBN 9780763780319 , 2010 , Sara T. Fry, Robert M. Veatch, Carol R. Taylor
Case Studies in Corporate Finance
ISBN 9780956801425 , 2011 , Sudesh Sangray
Case Studies in Systemic Sclerosis
ISBN 9780857296405 , 2011 , Richard M. Silver, Christopher P. Denton
Case Studies in Corporate Finance
ISBN 9780956801401 , 2010 , Sudesh Sangray
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780340662267 , 1996 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
Case Studies in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781862505025 , 2004 , Rob Harris, Leo Jago, Brian King
Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780230019874 , 2008 , Ruth Wodak, Jackie Abell, Helmut Gruber,m.fl.
Case Studies in Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9780471987819 , 1999 , Gerrit Antonides, W. Fred van Raaij
Case Studies in Human Ecology
ISBN 9780306452451 , 1996 , Daniel G. Bates, Susan H. Lees
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780521016452 , 2003 , Dietrich Rueschemeyer, James Mahoney
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780395885697 , 1998
The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship Case Studies
ISBN 9780471182290 , 1997 , William D. Bygrave, Dan D'Heilly
Case Studies in Human Ecology
ISBN 9780306452468 , 1996 , Daniel G. Bates, Susan H. Lees, Sarah H. Lees
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781292021669 , 2013
Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Research: Theory, Method, and Case Studies
ISBN 9789042002814 , 1998 , Stig Johansson, Signe Oksefjell
Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272865 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272872 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Economics and Development Studies
ISBN 9780415450386 , 2010 , Andy Sumner, Michael Tribe, Frederick Nixson
Case studies in sustainability management and strategy: the oikos collection
ISBN 9781906093013 , 2007 , Jost Hamschmidt
Research Methods in the Social Sciences [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780716755197 , 2008 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias