Søk: 'Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence: The Ospedale Degli Innocenti, 1410-1536'
Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence: The Ospedale Degli Innocenti, 1410-1536
ISBN 9780472101832 , 1990 , Philip Gavitt
Abandoned children of the Italian Renaissance: orphan care in Florence and Bologna
ISBN 9780801881848 , 2006 , Nicholas Terpstra
Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780521643009 , 2000 , Patricia Lee Rubin, Giovanni Ciappelli
Banks, palaces, and entrepreneurs in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780860784845 , 1995 , Richard A. Goldthwaite
Changing patrons: social identity and the visual arts in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780271023625 , 2004 , Jill Burke
Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780520257733 , 2009 , Loren W. Partridge
Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780520257740 , 2009 , Loren Partridge
Renaissance Florence: The Invention of a New Art
ISBN 9780131344013 , 2005 , Richard Turner
Colophon: A Novel of Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780595219384 , 2001
The Building of Renaissance Florence: An Economic and Social History
ISBN 9780801829772 , 1982 , Richard A. Goldthwaite
Charity Shopping: And The Thrift Lifestyle
ISBN 9780714531496 , 2009 , Lettice Wilkinson
Cafe Life Florence: A Guidebook to the Cafes and Bars of the Renaissance City
ISBN 9781844370429 , 2005 , Joseph Wolff, Roger Paperno
The Renaissance in Rome
ISBN 9780253212085 , 1998
Cathedral and Civic Ritual in Late Medieval and Renaissance Florence: The Service Books of Santa Maria Del Fiore
ISBN 9780521817042 , 2005 , Marica S. Tacconi
Charity Accounting and Taxation
ISBN 9780406988997 , 2004 , Robert Vincent, Amanda Francis
ISBN 9781405304931 , 2004 , Christopher Catling
ISBN 9781741040623 , 2004 , Damien Simonis
The Birth of Venus: Love and Death in Florence
ISBN 9781844080359 , 2004 , Sarah Dunant
ISBN 9789812348944 , 2002 , Barbara Lawrence Balletto
The Renaissance
ISBN 9780333669273 , 1997 , Peter Burke
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
ISBN 9780745621388 , 1999 , Peter Burke
A Little Charity
ISBN 9780744143775 , 2002 , Judson Poling
Art in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9781856694391 , 2005 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
ISBN 9780691006789 , 1999 , Peter Burke
Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9780754656555 , 2007 , Louise Bourdua, Anne Dunlop
Benchmarking Charity Costs
ISBN 9781859340899 , 1998
Children in the Online World: Risk, Regulation and Rights
ISBN 9781409425502 , 2013 , Elisabeth Staksrud
Florence FlexiMap
ISBN 9789814137102 , 2004 , GeoCenter UK
Berlitz Florence
ISBN 9782831576961 , 2004 , Patricia Schultz
Convents and the Body Politic in Late Renaissance Venice
ISBN 9780226769356 , 2000 , Jutta Gisela Sperling, Catharine Stimpson