Søk: 'Communication Theory in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of Mass Communication & Society'
Communication Theory in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of Mass Communication & Society
ISBN 9780805897647 , 2000 , David DeMers
Mass Communication: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
ISBN 9788176295079 , 2004
Mass Communication and Society: Special Issue: Advertising and Consumer Culture
ISBN 9780805897364 , 2000 , Matthew P. McAllister, Sharon R. Mazzarella
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781849202923 , 2010 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781849202916 , 2010 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781412903721 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781412903714 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761965473 , 2000 , Denis McQuail
Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803973572 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Essentials of mass communication theory
ISBN 9780803973565 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972426 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
Society, Culture and Mass Communication
ISBN 9788170332824 , 1995 , Hema Agarwal
Mass Communication
ISBN 9781412922418 , 2006 , Denis McQuail
Mass Communication: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9788124101346 , 2007
Mass Communication Theory An Introduction
ISBN 9780803977853 , 1994 , Denis McQuail
The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the 21st Century
ISBN 9780805840889 , 2003 , Richard M. Perloff
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication
ISBN 9780805846607 , 2004 , Richard Jackson Harris
Theories of Mass Communication
ISBN 9780582998704 , 1989 , Sandara Ball-Rokeach
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780761970705 , 2005 , David Holmes
Communication theory: media, technology and society
ISBN 9780761970699 , 2005 , David Holmes
Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners
ISBN 9780205548736 , 2008 , Jack Rosenberry, Lauren A. Vicker
Understanding the media: a sociology of mass communication
ISBN 9781572730045 , 1995 , Joel Smith
Understanding the Media: A Sociology of Mass Communication
ISBN 9781572730052 , 1995 , Joel Smith
Media of Mass Communication: International Edition
ISBN 9780205876457 , 2012 , John Vivian
Communitarian Journalism: A Special Issue of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics
ISBN 9780805898767 , 1996 , Ralph D. Barney
Communication in Eighteenth-century Music
ISBN 9780521888295 , 2008
Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication
ISBN 9780761973638 , 2009 , Nick Stevenson
Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780135031742 , 2009 , Sidney I. Dobrin, Christian R. Weisser,m.fl.
Communication and Leadership in the 21st Century: The Difficult Path from Classical Public Relations to Genuine Modern Communication Management
ISBN 9783892049425 , 2008 , Holger Sievert, Daniela Bell