Søk: 'Comparative and International Research in Education'
Comparative and International Research in Education
ISBN 9780415191227 , 2003 , Michael Crossley
Comparative education research: approaches and methods
ISBN 9789628093533 , 2007
Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods
ISBN 9781402061882 , 2007
Research on Mother Tongue Education in a Comparative International Perspective: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
ISBN 9789042022782 , 2007 , Sigmund Ongstad, Wolfgang Herrlitz,m.fl.
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780137041374 , 2009 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Research Methods in Education
ISBN 9780415583367 , 2011 , Louis Cohen, Keith Morrison
Nordic Voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic Countries
ISBN 9789087909710 , 2010 , Halla B. Holmarsdottir, Mina O'Dowd
Research Methods in Education
ISBN 9780415583350 , 2011 , Louis Cohen, Keith Morrison
Research Methods in Education
ISBN 9780415368780 , 2007 , Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion,m.fl.
Introduction to Research in Education
ISBN 9780495832522 , 2010 , Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen
Introduction to Research in Education
ISBN 9781133939610 , 2013 , Christine Sorensen, Donald Ary, Lucy C. Jacobs
Quality Research in Literacy and Science Education: International Perspectives and Gold Standards
ISBN 9781402084263 , 2008 , Larry D. Yore, Brian Hand
Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method, and Practice
ISBN 9781847060594 , 2008 , David Phillips, Erwin H. Epstein
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications
ISBN 9780132281553 , 2008 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications
ISBN 9780130160096 , 2002 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich
Comparative International Accounting
ISBN 9780273763796 , 2012 , Christopher Nobes
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice
ISBN 9780761961406 , 2003 , Peter Freebody
Learner-centred Education in International Perspective
ISBN 9780415600729 , 2013 , Michele Schweisfurth
Quantitative Research in Education: A Primer
ISBN 9781412973267 , 2009 , Wayne K. Hoy
Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings
ISBN 9780791455043 , 2002 , J.Amos Hatch
International Comparisons in Mathematics Education
ISBN 9780750709026 , 1998 , Gabriele Kaiser, Eduardo Luna, Ian Huntly
International Comparisons in Mathematics Education
ISBN 9780750709033 , 1998 , Gabriele Kaiser, Eduardo Luna, Ian Huntly
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9780077117382 , 2008 , Subhash C. Jain, Dr. Patrik Jonsson,m.fl.
New Mathematics Education Research and Practice
ISBN 9789077874745 , 2006 , Jürgen Maass, Wolfgang Schlöglmann
Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272865 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272872 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909307 , 2009 , Xiangyun Du, E. de Graaff, Kolmos A.
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909314 , 2009 , Anette Kolmos, Xiangyun Du, Erik de Graaff
Education, Equality and Social Cohesion: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780230223639 , 2008 , Andy Green, Jan Germen Janmaat, John Preston
Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9781442217768 , 2012 , Robert F. Arnove, Stephen Franz