Søk: 'Computers in small bytes: the computer workbook'
Computers in small bytes: the computer workbook
ISBN 9780887376801 , 1996 , Nancy I. Whitman, Marjorie J. Smith,m.fl.
(Love, bytes)
ISBN 9788248204626 , 2001 , Michelle Lovric
Using Computers in History
ISBN 9781403934154 , 2005 , Sonja Cameron, Sarah Richardson
Colossus: The First Electronic Computer: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Code-breaking Computers
ISBN 9780192840554 , 2006
Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom
ISBN 9780674006027 , 2001 , Larry Cuban
Computers and Design in Context
ISBN 9780262112239 , 1997 , Lars Mathiassen, Morten Kyng
Personal Computers Six in One
ISBN 9780789714237 , 1997 , Lisa A. Bucki
The Computer in the Visual Arts
ISBN 9780201386004 , 1998 , Anne Spalter
Computers and the Cosmos
ISBN 9780705409261 , 1988
An Introduction to Optics in Computers
ISBN 9780819408259 , 2002 , Henri H. Arsenault, Yunlong Sheng
Computers in Nursing: Concepts and Issues
ISBN 9780781715577 , 1999 , Linda Q. Thede
Small States in International Relations
ISBN 9780295985244 , 2006 , Iver B. Neumann, Christine Ingebritsen,m.fl.
Norwegian on the web: workbook
ISBN 9788232104086 , 2014 , Olaf Husby, Sissel Robbins, Birte Hillestad
How computers work
ISBN 9780789730336 , 2004 , Ron White, Timothy Edward Downs
Living large in small spaces
ISBN 9780500284186 , 2003 , Marisa Bartolucci, Radek Kurzaj
A Small Death in Lisbon
ISBN 9780006512028 , 2002 , Robert Wilson
Computers and Typesetting
ISBN 9780201734164 , 2000
The Screenwriter's Workbook (Revised Edition)
ISBN 9780385339049 , 2007 , Syd Field
Computers Are Your Future: Introductory
ISBN 9780132545181 , 2011 , Cathy LaBerta, Catherine LaBerta
Analysing the Foreign Policy of Small States in the EU
ISBN 9780230511422 , 2005 , Dr Henrik Larsen
Research Methods in Human-computer Interaction
ISBN 9780470723371 , 2009 , Jonathan Lazar, Jinjuan Heidi Feng,m.fl.
Computers in Context: The Philosophy and Practice of System Design
ISBN 9781557864055 , 1993 , Lars Mathiassen, Bo Dahlbom
Logic in Computer Science
ISBN 9780511261589 , 2004 , Mark Ryan, Michael Huth, Huth/Ryan
The Computer Continuum
ISBN 9780536721150 , 2003 , Kurt F. Lauckner, Mildred D. Lintner
Small Among Giants: Television Broadcasting in Smaller Countries
ISBN 9789186523169 , 2011 , Gregory Ferrell Lowe, Christian S. Nissen
The Second Self: Computers And The Human Spirit
ISBN 9780262701112 , 2005 , Sherry Turkle
@cross: workbook
ISBN 9788204116994 , 2006 , Drew Rodgers, Knut Skifjeld, Celia Sandor,m.fl.
Computers Are Your Future, Introductory
ISBN 9780135092811 , 2010 , Catherine LaBerta
Genki 1 Workbook
ISBN 9784789014410 , 2011 , Banno Eri
The God of Small Things
ISBN 9780006550686 , 1998 , Arundhati Roy