Søk: 'France in the new century: portrait of a changing society'
France in the new century: portrait of a changing society
ISBN 9780140259223 , 2001 , John Ardagh
A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690234 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690227 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
The Ceremonial Animal: A New Portrait of Anthropology
ISBN 9780199263332 , 2003 , Michael Lambek, Wendy James
Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century
ISBN 9780486410616 , 2000 , Emile Maale
Child Psychology: Development in a Changing Society
ISBN 9780471706496 , 2008 , Ross Vasta, Scott A. Miller, Robin L. Harwood,m.fl.
New Europe in the Changing Global System, A
ISBN 9789280809343 , 1997 , United Nations University, Richard A. Falk,m.fl.
Modern France: Society in Transition
ISBN 9780415154314 , 1998 , Grace Davie, Malcolm Cook
Modern France: Society in Transition
ISBN 9780415154321 , 1998 , Grace Davie, Malcolm Cook
The Social Movement Society: Contentious Politics for a New Century
ISBN 9780847685417 , 1997 , David S. Meyer, Sidney George Tarrow
The social movement society: contentious politics for a new century
ISBN 9780847685400 , 1997 , Sidney G. Tarrow, David S. Meyer
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393935189 , 2012 , Stephen Marshak
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393118261 , 2011 , Stephen Marshak
Changing Social Equality: The Nordic Welfare Model in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847426598 , 2011 , Johan Fritzell
Encore Provence: New Adventures in the South of France
ISBN 9780753154694 , 2000 , Peter Mayle
The Bushes: portrait of a dynasty
ISBN 9780385498630 , 2004 , Rochelle Schweizer, Peter Schweizer
Lyndon B. Johnson : Portrait of a President: Portrait of a President
ISBN 9780195159202 , 2004 , m.fl.
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393111378 , 2007 , Stephen Marshak
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393930368 , 2008 , Stephen Marshak
Portrait in Sepia: A Novel
ISBN 9780007140480 , 2002 , Isabel Allende
A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century
ISBN 9780745621708 , 2001 , Georges Vigarello
A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century
ISBN 9780745621692 , 2001 , Georges Vigarello
A Portrait of the North Eastern Railway
ISBN 9781873513583 , 2008 , David Williamson, Claire Williamson,m.fl.
Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France: State Power and Provincial Aristocracy in Languedoc
ISBN 9780521367820 , 1989 , William Beik, John Elliott, Olwen Hufton,m.fl.
Changing Course: American Curriculum Reform in the 20th Century
ISBN 9780807742228 , 2002 , Herbert M. Kliebard
A New Economy?: The Changing Role of Innovation and Information Technology in Growth
ISBN 9789264176942 , 2000 , m.fl.
Earth: Portrait Of A Planet
ISBN 9780393925029 , 2005 , Stephen Marshak
A Portrait of Percy Grainger
ISBN 9781580460873 , 2002 , Malcolm Gillies, David Pear
Norway: Portrait of a Nation
ISBN 9788280710864 , 2004 , Tone Svinningen
Communication Theory in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of Mass Communication & Society
ISBN 9780805897647 , 2000 , David DeMers