Søk: 'Genre and the New Rhetoric'
Genre and the New Rhetoric
ISBN 9780748402564 , 1994 , Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter
Rhetoric Online: The Politics of New Media
ISBN 9781433113291 , 2012 , Barbara Warnick, David S. Heinemann
The Television Genre Book
ISBN 9781844572182 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Glen Creeber, John Tulloch
The Television Genre Book
ISBN 9781844572175 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Glen Creeber, John Tulloch
A New History of Classical Rhetoric
ISBN 9780691000596 , 1994 , George Alexander Kennedy
The television genre book
ISBN 9780851708492 , 2001 , British Film Institute, Glen Creeber
Cinema Genre
ISBN 9781405156516 , 2008 , Alistair Fox
Film Genre: Hollywood And Beyond
ISBN 9780748619030 , 2005 , Barry Langford
Cinema Genre
ISBN 9781405156509 , 2008 , Alistair Fox
Organizational Rhetoric: Situations and Strategies
ISBN 9781412956697 , 2009 , Mary F. Hoffman, Debra J. Ford
Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
ISBN 9780631235156 , 2004 , Thomas Habinek
Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
ISBN 9780470775325 , 2008 , Thomas Habinek
And I turned to see the voice: the rhetoric of vision in the New Testament
ISBN 9780801031571 , 2007 , Edith McEwan Humphrey
ISBN 9780851707174 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
ISBN 9780851707181 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
Film Genre Reader
ISBN 9780292701847
Organizational Rhetoric
ISBN 9780745647173 , 2011 , Charles R. Conrad
Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory
ISBN 9780631235149 , 2004 , Thomas Habinek
Organizational Rhetoric: Situations and Strategies
ISBN 9781412956680 , 2009 , Mary F. Hoffman, Debra J. Ford
A concept of dramatic genre and the comedy of a new type: chess, literature, and film
ISBN 9780809324521 , 2002 , V. Ulea
The Art of Rhetoric
ISBN 9780140445107 , 1991 , Aristotle
Rhetoric in Antiquity
ISBN 9780813214078 , 2005 , Laurent Pernot, W.E. Higgins
A 'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films
ISBN 9780745331294 , 2011 , Martin Barker
A 'Toxic Genre': The Iraq War Films
ISBN 9780745331300 , 2011 , Martin Barker
The rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction
ISBN 9780814210697 , 2007 , Richard Walsh
Narcissism and the Literary Libido: Rhetoric, Text and Subjectivity
ISBN 9780814706657 , 1997 , Marshall W. Alcorn
Film Genre Reader Three
ISBN 9780292701854 , 2004 , Barry Keith Grant
The Death of the Baroque and the Rhetoric of Good Taste
ISBN 9780521843416 , 2005 , Vernon Hyde Minor
Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent
ISBN 9780268004460 , 1973 , Chaim Perelman, L.Olbrechts- Tyteca, J. Wilkinson,m.fl.
American rhetoric: context and criticism
ISBN 9780809315093 , 1989