Søk: 'Industrial development in Tanzania: some critical issues'
Industrial development in Tanzania: some critical issues
ISBN 9789171062543 , 1987 , Rune Skarstein, Samuel M. Wangwe
Critical Issues in Brand Management
ISBN 9780954973001 , 2005 , L.De Chernatony, Temi Abimbola
Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: A Critical Review
ISBN 9780415276498 , 2003 , William Scott, Stephen Gough
Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education
ISBN 9780335215966 , 2005 , Nicola Yelland
Leading Issues in Economic Development
ISBN 9780195179606 , 2005 , Gerald M. Meier, James E. Rauch, Gearld Meier
Understanding Development: Issues and Debates
ISBN 9780745638959 , 2012 , Paul Hopper
Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering
ISBN 9783540199649 , 1995 , David Benyon, Philippe Palanque
ISBN 9783707900453 , 2003 , m.fl.
ISBN 9788203308772 , 2002 , Gerd Bjerknes, Gerd Østergaard
ISBN 9788203308789 , 2002 , Gerd Bjerknes, Øystein Vigestad,m.fl.
Understanding Development: Issues and Debates
ISBN 9780745638942 , 2012 , Paul Hopper
Leading Issues In Economic Development 7/E
ISBN 9780195115895 , 2000 , 7. utgave , James E. Rauch, Gerald Marvin Meier
Tanzania 4
ISBN 9781741045550 , 2008 , Mary Fitzpatrick
Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates
ISBN 9780230218659 , 2009 , Robert Adams, Malcolm Payne, Lena Dominelli
Community Development: A Critical Approach
ISBN 9781861346957 , 2005 , Jo Campling, Margaret Ledwith
Contemporary Issues in Database Design and Information Systems Development
ISBN 9781599042893 , 2007 , Keng Siau
Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780199572823 , 2011
Industrial Organization in Context
ISBN 9780199291199 , 2010 , Stephen Martin
Economic Growth and Development: Emerging Issues
ISBN 9788176299831 , 2007 , Prankrishna Pal
Rethinking globalization: critical issues and policy choices
ISBN 9781842770542 , 2001 , Martin Khor
Rethinking Globalization: Critical Issues and Policy Choices
ISBN 9781842770559 , 2001 , Martin Khor, Kok Peng Khor
Issues in political theory
ISBN 9780199217007 , 2008
Issues in Contemporary Documentary
ISBN 9780745640105 , 2009 , Jane L. Chapman
Tanzania, Zanzibar and Pemba
ISBN 9781741792829 , 2012 , Mary Fitzpatrick, Tim Bewer
Readings in Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780631216179 , 2000 , Luís M. B. Cabral
Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780631209515 , 2000 , Susanne Schech, Jane Haggis
Issues in Management Accounting
ISBN 9780273702573 , 2007 , Deryl Northcott, Trevor M. Hopper,m.fl.
Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-Private Partnerships and Market Multilateralism
ISBN 9780203965696 , 2007 , Desmond McNeill, Benedicte Bull
Critical Theories of Psychological Development
ISBN 9780306424311 , 1987 , J. M. Broughton
Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-Private Partnerships and Market Multilateralism
ISBN 9780415393157 , 2006 , Desmond McNeill, Benedicte Bull