Søk: 'Jane Eyre: An Authoritative Text'
Jane Eyre: An Authoritative Text
ISBN 9780393975420 , 2001 , Charlotte Brontë, Richard J. Dunn
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780199535590 , 2008 , Bronte Charlotte
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780099511120 , 2007 , Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780141441146 , 2006 , Charlotte Brontë, Stevie Davies
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9788253031804 , 2009 , Charlotte Brontë, Ragnfrid Stokke
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9788278441909 , 2008 , Marika Enstad, Charlotte Brontë, Ottar Bertelsen
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780486424491 , 2003 , Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9781904633037 , 2003 , Charlotte Brontë, Sam Gilpin
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9788253020822 , 1999 , Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre.
ISBN 9780140434002 , 1996 , Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780192839657 , 1996 , Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre
ISBN 9781853260209 , 1992 , Charlotte Brontë, Dr. Keith Carabine,m.fl.
Emma: An Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393927641 , 2011 , Jane Austen, George Justice,m.fl.
Middlemarch: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393974522 , 2000 , George Eliot
Oroonoko: An Authoritative Text, Historical Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393970142 , 1997 , Aphra Behn
A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre
ISBN 9789042022126 , 2007 , Margarete Rubik, Elke Mettinger-Schartmann
Hamlet: Complete Authoritative Text
ISBN 9780312055448 , 1994 , William Shakespeare, Susan Lindgren Wofford
Macbeth: An Authoritative Text, Sources and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393977868 , 2004 , William Shakespeare, Robert S. Miola
Persuasion: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393960181 , 1995 , Jane Austen
In Memoriam: Authoritative Text : Criticism
ISBN 9780393979268 , 2003 , Tennyson Lord Alfred
Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393926361 , 2006 , Joseph Conrad, Paul B. Armstrong
Julius Caesar: An Authoritative Text, Contexts and Sources, Criticism, Performance History
ISBN 9780393932638 , 2012 , William Shakespeare, S. P. Cerasano
Richard III: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393929591 , 2009 , William Shakespeare
Pride and Prejudice: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393976045 , 2000 , Jane Austen
The Awakening: An Authoritative Text, Biographical and Historical Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393960570 , 1994
Mansfield Park: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393967913 , 1998 , Jane Austen
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: An Authoritative Text, Contexts and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393966404 , 1999 , Thomas Cooley, Twain Mark
Sense and Sensibility: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393977516 , 2002 , Jane Austen, Claudia L. Johnson
Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393955521 , 1988 , Joseph Conrad, Robert Kimbrough
The Tempest: An Authoritative Text Sources and Contexts, Criticism, Rewritings and Appropriations
ISBN 9780393978193 , 2004 , William Shakespeare