Søk: 'Punishment and Modern Society'
Punishment and Modern Society
ISBN 9780198762669 , 1991 , David Garland
Punishment and Civilization: Penal Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Society
ISBN 9780761947530 , 2002 , John Pratt
Hegel and Modern Society
ISBN 9780521293518 , 1979 , Charles Taylor, Robert B. Pippin
Crime and Punishment
ISBN 9780743487634 , 2005 , Margaret Brantley, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Crime and Punishment
ISBN 9781840224306 , 2000 , Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dostoevsky,m.fl.
ISBN 9780316729956 , 2006 , Anne Holt
Crime and Punishment
ISBN 9780679601005 , 1994 , F.M. Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky,m.fl.
Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society
ISBN 9781847873842 , 2009 , Mitchell Dean
After Crime and Punishment
ISBN 9781843920588 , 2004 , Shadd Maruna, Russ Immarigeon
Capital Punishment
ISBN 9780737737127 , 2007 , Paul G Connors
Capital Punishment
ISBN 9780737737110 , 2007 , Paul G Connors
Early Modern European Society
ISBN 9780415158657 , 1999 , Henry Kamen
Market society: markets and modern social theory
ISBN 9780745620275 , 2000 , Don Slater, Fran Tonkiss
Capital Punishment
ISBN 9780791073698 , 2003 , Alan Marzilli
Market Society: Markets and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780745620268 , 2001 , Don Slater, Fran Tonkiss
Modern Britain: developments in contemporary British society
ISBN 9788202350611 , 2012 , Jan Erik Mustad, Ulla Rahbek, Ole Vadmand,m.fl.
Modern France: Society in Transition
ISBN 9780415154314 , 1998 , Grace Davie, Malcolm Cook
Modern France: Society in Transition
ISBN 9780415154321 , 1998 , Grace Davie, Malcolm Cook
Modern Japanese Society, 1868-1994
ISBN 9780192892287 , 1996 , Ann Waswo
Modernity and self-identity: self and society in the late modern age
ISBN 9780745608891
Economic Sociology: State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism
ISBN 9780631225362 , 2002 , Carlo Trigilia
Between Culture and Politics: Intellectuals in Modern Society
ISBN 9780745609041 , 1994
Economic Sociology: State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism
ISBN 9780631225355 , 2002 , Carlo Trigilia
Capital Punishment: Global Issues And Prospects
ISBN 9781872870328 , 1996 , m.fl.
Journalism and Society
ISBN 9781446266809 , 2013 , Denis McQuail
Journalism and Society
ISBN 9781446266793 , 2013 , Denis McQuail
Norway: nature, industry and society
ISBN 9788245013719 , 2013 , Grete Rusten, Kerstin Potthoff, Linda Sangolt
Black Mexico: Race and Society from Colonial to Modern Times
ISBN 9780826347015 , 2009 , Lyman L. Johnson, Ben Vinson III, Matthew Restall
Population and Society
ISBN 9781412900652 , 2013 , Paul Williamson, William Gould, Clare Holdsworth,m.fl.
A Discussion on Universal Salvation and Endless Punishment
ISBN 9781443265911 , 2012 , Erasmus Manford