Søk: 'Science in History: The Scientific and Industrial Revolution'
Science in History: The Scientific and Industrial Revolution
ISBN 9780262520218 , 1971 , J. D. Bernal
The Industrial Revolution: milestones in business history
ISBN 9780313338533 , 2007
The Scientific Revolution
ISBN 9780226750217 , 1998 , Steven Shapin
The Industrial Revolution
ISBN 9780618220250 , 2003
The Scientific Revolution
ISBN 9780226750200 , 1996 , Steven Shapin
Reconceptualizing the Industrial Revolution
ISBN 9780262515627 , 2010 , Merritt Roe Smith
History of Modern Design: Graphics and Products Since the Industrial Revolution
ISBN 9781856693486 , 2003 , David Raizman
The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830
ISBN 9780192892898 , 1997 , T.S. Ashton, Pat Hudson
Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present : essays
ISBN 9781900039819 , 2007 , James Dunkerley
Liberation Biology: The Scientific and Moral Case for the Biotech Revolution
ISBN 9781591022275 , 2005 , Ronald Bailey
Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason: Science and the History of Reason
ISBN 9780521366984 , 1989 , Gary Gutting
The Science Book: 250 Milestones in the History of Science
ISBN 9780304359189 , 2003
Putting Science in Its Place: Geographies of Scientific Knowledge
ISBN 9780226487229 , 2003 , David N. Livingstone
How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309074339 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution
ISBN 9780199241071 , 2001 , Christopher Freeman, Francisco Louçã,m.fl.
Reflections on the Revolution in France
ISBN 9780199539024 , 2009 , Edmund Burke
Human Rights, Revolution, and Reform in the Muslim World
ISBN 9781588268013 , 2012 , Anthony Chase
Industrial relations and the environment in the E.C.
ISBN 9789282646878 , 1993 , m.fl.
Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing
ISBN 9780898715842 , 2005 , Jack Dongarra, Bo Einarsson
The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief Documentary History
ISBN 9780312108021 , 1996 , Lynn Hunt
Industrial Organization in Context
ISBN 9780199291199 , 2010 , Stephen Martin
The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect
ISBN 9780521819916 , 2001 , Steven Brakman, Ben J. Heijdra
A History of Greece: The Greek Revolution, Pt. 2
ISBN 9781147416152 , 2010 , George Finlay
The Concept of Scientific Law in the Philosophy of Science and Epistemology: A Study of Theoretical Reason
ISBN 9780792358527 , 1999 , Igor Hanzel
Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political Traditions
ISBN 9780521479554 , 1995 , John S. Dryzek, James Farr, Stephen T. Leonard
Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political Traditions
ISBN 9780521474221 , 1995 , John Dryzek, James Farr, Stephen T. Leonard
Archaeology meets science: biomolecular investigations in Bronze Age Greece : the primary scientific evidence, 1997-2003
ISBN 9781842172384 , 2008 , Martin Jones, Yannis Tzedakis, Holly Martlew
Readings in Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780631216179 , 2000 , Luís M. B. Cabral
Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization
ISBN 9780471056690 , 2000 , David G. Stork, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart
Sexology in context: a scientific anthology
ISBN 9788215012612 , 2008 , Bente Træen, Bo Lewin