Søk: 'State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered'
State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered
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Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy, and the State
ISBN 9780415263887 , 2002 , Charles K. Armstrong
Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance
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Civil Society and Governance in Europe: From National to International Linkages
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The State in Capitalist Society
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Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization
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The romans and the northern Europe
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Gosta Rehn, the Swedish Model and Labour Market Policies
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Assisting the Invisible Hand: Contested Relations Between Market, State and Civil Society
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Assisting the Invisible Hand: Contested Relations Between Market, State and Civil Society
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Common Security and Civil Society in Africa
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Civil Society and Global Finance
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Civil Society and Global Finance
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Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe
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Civil Society and the Political Imagination in Africa: Critical Perspectives
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Civil Society and the Political Imagination in Africa: Critical Perspectives
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Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market
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Economic Liberalization, Democratization, and Civil Society in the Developing World
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Lyric, Meaning, and Audience in the Oral Tradition of Northern Europe
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Birthmarks of Europe: The Origins of the European Community Reconsidered
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Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War
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Religion and Civil Society: Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World
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Insects of Britain and Northern Europe
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Gods and myths of Northern Europe
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Partners in Peace: Discourses And Practices of Civil-Society Peacebuilding
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The European Court and Civil Society: Litigation, Mobilization and Governance
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Jagannath revisited: studying society, religion, and the state in Orissa
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The Arab World: Society, Culture and State
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