Søk: 'Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry'
Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry
ISBN 9781412957564 , 2008 , Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry
The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry
ISBN 9781412909273 , 2007 , Thomas A. Schwandt
Qualitative inquiry and research design
ISBN 9781412916073 , 2007 , John W. Creswell
Questioning Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Essays
ISBN 9781412935159 , 2008 , Martyn Hammersley
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
ISBN 9781412916066 , 2007 , John W. Creswell
Studyguide for Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry by Norman K. Lincoln Denzin, ISBN 9781412957564: 9781412957564
ISBN 9781614618355 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
ISBN 9781412995306 , 2012 , John W. Creswell
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
ISBN 9781412995313 , 2012 , John W. Creswell
Making Sense of Qualitative Data: Complementary Research Strategies
ISBN 9780803970533 , 1996 , Paul Atkinson, AMANDA AUTOR COFFEY
Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780691034713 , 1994 , Robert Owen Keohane, Gary King, Sidney Verba
The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies
ISBN 9780520280038 , 2013 , Charles C. Ragin
Comparative method:moving beyond qualitative & quantitative strategies
ISBN 9810000014171 , 1992
Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761915126
Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780199737956 , 2011 , Johnny Saldana
The Landscape of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781452258065 , 2012
Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781849204170 , 2010 , David Silverman
Naturalistic Inquiry
ISBN 9780803924314 , 1985 , Yvonna S. Lincoln, Egon G. Guba
Interpreting Qualitative Data
ISBN 9780857024213 , 2011 , David Silverman
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412974172 , 2011 , Yvonna S. Lincoln
The Science of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780521148818 , 2010 , Martin Packer
Doing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781446260159 , 2013
Techniques of Teaching Strategies
ISBN 9788176488723 , 2005 , Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui
Interpreting Qualitative Data
ISBN 9781446252710 , 2011 , David Silverman
Beware! Satan: Strategies of Defense
ISBN 9781597841313 , 2008
Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781849204163 , 2010 , David Silverman
A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative ...
ISBN 9780415609661 , 2011 , Klaus Bruhn Jensen
Oral History:Understanding Qualitative Research: Understanding Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780195395099 , 2011 , Patricia Leavy
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9780335244492 , 2013 , Carla Willig
Doing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781848600348 , 2009 , David Silverman
Leadership: in search of effective influence strategies
ISBN 9788205400603 , 2010 , Geir Thompson, Jane Zhen Li