Søk: 'The Sociological Imagination'
The Sociological Imagination
ISBN 9780195133738 , 2000 , Charles Wright Mills
Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World Problems: Advancing the Sociological Imagination
ISBN 9781594516535 , 2009 , Bernard Phillips, J. David Knottnerus
Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World Problems: Advancing the Sociological Imagination
ISBN 9781594516542 , 2011 , Bernard Phillips, J. David Knottnerus
Beatrice Webb (1858-1943): the socialist with a sociological imagination
ISBN 9780773483125 , 1998
Audiences: A Sociological Theory of Performance and Imagination
ISBN 9780803989627 , 1998 , Nicholas Abercrombie, Brian J Longhurst
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781259010835 , 2013 , Ritzer
The Moral Imagination
ISBN 9780195174540 , 2005 , John Paul Lederach
Religion and the Political Imagination
ISBN 9780521147347 , 2010 , Gareth Stedman Jones, Ira Katznelson
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780078111679 , 2010 , George Ritzer
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780078027017 , 2013 , George Ritzer
Imagination works!
ISBN 9788203309946 , 2002 , Richard Porteus
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071088527 , 2007 , GOODMAN, Dr George Ritzer
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071284066 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Music and the Racial Imagination
ISBN 9780226702001 , 2001 , Philip Vilas Bohlman, Ronald M. Radano
Thirdspace: Expanding the Geographical Imagination
ISBN 9781557866752 , 1996 , Edward W. Soja
Introducing Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781408203880 , 2011 , Darren O'Byrne
Imagination. Ediz. Inglese
ISBN 9780714843209 , 2003 , Stephen Bayley
Ethnography and the Historical Imagination
ISBN 9780813313054 , 1992 , Jean Comaroff
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780073528182 , 2007 , George Ritzer
Contemporary Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780470655665 , 2012 , Craig Calhoun
The Holy Grail: imagination and belief
ISBN 9780713992069 , 2004 , Richard Barber
The dialogic imagination: four essays
ISBN 9780292715349 , 1982 , M. M. Bakhtin, Michael Holquist, Caryl Emerson
Olivia Joules: and the overactive imagination
ISBN 9780330434089 , 2003 , Helen Fielding
Olivia Joules: And the Overactive Imagination
ISBN 9780330432733 , 2003 , Helen Fielding
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072817188 , 2003 , George Ritzer, Douglas Goodman
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071183239 , 2000 , George Ritzer
The Religious Imagination of American Women
ISBN 9780253213389 , 1999 , Mary Farrell Bednarowski
The Creative Imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism
ISBN 9781583484180 , 1999 , James Engell
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780073528175 , 2007 , George Ritzer
The Emergence of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780534509057 , 1998 , Jonathan H. Turner, Leonard Beeghley,m.fl.