Søk: 'The Viking World'
The Viking World
ISBN 9780711218000 , 2001 , James Graham-Campbell
Destination viking: western viking route
ISBN 9788299615105 , 2001 , Marita Engberg Ekman, Dan Carlsson
Viking Age Iceland
ISBN 9780140291155 , 2001 , Jesse L. Byock
Frithjof: The Viking of Norway
ISBN 9781589635241 , 2001 , Zenaide A. Ragozin, George T. Tobin
Women in the Viking Age
ISBN 9780851153605 , 1998 , Judith Jesch
Viking FK quiz
ISBN 9788281560802 , 2008 , Kåre M. Torgrimsen
The Saga of Erik the Viking
ISBN 9780140322613 , 1999 , Terry Jones, Michael Foreman
Den siste viking
ISBN 9788205010543 , 2007 , Johan Bojer, Kaare Espolin Johnson
The vikings: the viking age in Norway
ISBN 9788251624169 , 2007 , Terje Stenstad, Anders Kvåle Rue, Margo Øhrn
Den siste viking
ISBN 9788278441381 , 2002 , Johan Bojer
Den siste viking
ISBN 9788205277410 , 2001 , Johan Bojer
Olav: viking & helgen
ISBN 9788278760024 , 1997 , Morten Myklebust
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
The Viking gods: from Snorri Sturluson's Edda
ISBN 9789979856788 , 2002 , Snorri Sturluson, Jon Thorisson, Lorenz Frölich,m.fl.
The Viking Gods: From Snorri Sturluson's Edda
ISBN 9789979856900 , 2002 , Snorri Sturluson, Lorenz Frölich,m.fl.
Olaf: viking and saint
ISBN 9788278760048 , 1997 , Morten Myklebust
The Viking Bodleys; An Excursion Into Norway And Denmark.
ISBN 9781446023747 , 2010 , Horace Elisha Scudder
Thunder God.: A Viking Quest.
ISBN 9780571217991 , 2004 , Paul Watkins
Viking: Myths of Gods & Monsters
ISBN 9781842552834 , 2004 , Kevin Crossley-Holland
The long ships: a saga of the viking age
ISBN 9780006126096 , 1997 , Frans G. Bengtsson
ISBN 9781861605696 , 2002 , John Grant
Viking ship press out model
ISBN 9780714130132 , 2002
Constructing the World
ISBN 9780199608584 , 2014 , David John Chalmers
Viking Norway: Personalities, Power and Politics
ISBN 9788291640303 , 2008 , Torgrim Titlestad
The Second World War
ISBN 9780143035732
The Sagas of the Viking Kings of Norway: heimskringla
ISBN 9788272011559 , 1987 , Snorre Sturlason, Finn Hødnebø, Halfdan Egedius,m.fl.
The Islamic World
ISBN 9780415601917 , 2010 , Andrew Rippin
Politics in the Developing World
ISBN 9780199570836 , 2010 , Vicky Randall, Peter Burnell, Lise Rakner
Strategy in the Contemporary World
ISBN 9780199694785 , 2012 , Colin S. Gray
Viking!: Myths of Gods and Monsters
ISBN 9781842552261 , 2002 , Kevin Crossley-Holland