Søk: 'The public confessions of a middle-aged woman aged 55 3/4'
Public Confessions of a Middle-Aged Woman Aged 55 3/4
ISBN 9780141013725 , 2003 , Sue Townsend
The public confessions of a middle-aged woman aged 55 3/4
ISBN 9780718145385 , 2001 , Sue Townsend
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
ISBN 9780141046426 , 2012 , Sue Townsend
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
ISBN 9780141315980 , 2002 , Sue Townsend
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole: Aged 13 3/4
ISBN 9780141010830 , 2002 , Sue Townsend
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
ISBN 9780141803623 , 2001 , Sue Townsend, Stephen Mangan
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
ISBN 9780435123901 , 1992 , Sue Townsend
The secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 3/4: the play
ISBN 9780413592507 , 1985 , Sue Townsend, Ken Howard, Alan Blaikley
The Silent Echo: The Middle-Aged Female Body in Contemporary Women's Fiction
ISBN 9780739121726 , 2007 , Helen Paloge
The Adrian Mole Diaries: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 & the Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
ISBN 9780380730445 , 1997 , Sue Townsend
Confessions of a Shopaholic
ISBN 9780385335485 , 2001 , Sophie Kinsella
The Confessions
ISBN 9780199537822 , 2008 , Saint Augustine
A Comparative Study of Aged Women in Institutions and Families-Kerala: Discussion and Analysis and Case Studies
ISBN 9783639269277 , 2010 , Jameela Suhara Beevi
Confessions of a Mask
ISBN 9780811201186 , 1958 , Yukio Mishima
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
ISBN 9780141018911 , 2004 , Mary Wollstonecraft
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
ISBN 9781420932577 , 2009 , Mary Wollstonecraft
The Confessions of St. Augustine
ISBN 9780486424668 , 2002 , Saint Augustine
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813348339 , 2012 , William L. Cleveland, Martin P. Bunton
Power of a woman
ISBN 9780007645794 , 2002 , Barbara Taylor Bradford
ISBN 9780199540037 , 2008 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques, Angela Scholar
A Woman of Substance
ISBN 9780061008078 , 2000 , Barbara Taylor Bradford
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813343747 , 2009 , William L. Cleveland, Martin P. Bunton
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: a pure woman
ISBN 9780375756795 , 2001 , Thomas Hardy
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405183796 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
The Idea of the Public Sphere: A Reader
ISBN 9780739141984 , 2010 , Hannah Arendt, Jostein Gripsrud, Seyla Benhabib,m.fl.
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813340487 , 2004 , William L. Cleveland
A Woman Unafraid: The Achievements of Frances Perkins
ISBN 9781450207737 , 2010 , Penny Colman
Care and Support for Young Separated Refugees Aged 16 and 17 in Germany and the United Kingdom
ISBN 9781861780713 , 2005 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Nathalie Huegler
The Odd Woman: A Novel
ISBN 9780345389916 , 2005 , Gail Godwin
A Partisan's Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust
ISBN 9780929005768 , 1995 , Sarah Silberstein Swartz, Schulman, Faye.