Søk: 'The year of Obama: how Barack Obama won the White House'
The year of Obama: how Barack Obama won the White House
ISBN 9780205650446 , 2009
Presidentene: fra George Washington til Barack Obama
ISBN 9788202395599 , 2012 , Hans Olav Lahlum
The Obama Church Drama, My Story
ISBN 9781438985374 , 2009 , Joe Caster, Elizabeth Caster
Barack Obama & Us Foreign Policy: Road Map for Change Or Disaster?
ISBN 9781449005825 , 2009 , John Davis
Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, C
ISBN 9781400107292 , 2008 , Johnny Heller, Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, C
ISBN 9781400157297 , 2008 , Johnny Heller, Dick Morris, Eileen McGann
En personlig reise i Amerika: fra Kennedy til Obama
ISBN 9788245808766 , 2008 , Audun Tjomsland
Obama's wars
ISBN 9781849832205 , 2011 , Bob Woodward, Barack Obama
The Clinton wars : an insider's account of the white house years
ISBN 9780670912049 , 2003 , Sidney Blumenthal
Bush at War: Inside the Bush White House
ISBN 9780743461078 , 2003 , Bob Woodward
The Year of Fog
ISBN 9780385340120 , 2008 , Michelle Richmond
After the White House: Former Presidents as Private Citizens
ISBN 9780312295592 , 2004 , Max J. Skidmore
The House of Mirth
ISBN 9780199538102 , 2008 , Edith Wharton
The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis
ISBN 9780393322590 , 2002 , Philip Zelikow, Ernest R. May
The price of loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the education of Paul O'Neill
ISBN 9780743255455 , 2004 , Ron Suskind
The Linguistics of Political Argument: The Spin-Doctor and the Wolf-Pack at the White House
ISBN 9780415287135 , 2002 , Alan Partington
Women and the White House: Gender, Popular Culture, and Presidential Politics
ISBN 9780813141015 , 2012 , Justin S. Vaughn, Lilly J. Goren
The Baby Book: How to Enjoy Year One
ISBN 9780745952130 , 2006 , Rachel Waddilove
A Blueprint for Winning: Taking Back the White House--08
ISBN 9781430317012 , 2007 , les aaron friedlieb
The House of the Spirits
ISBN 9780553273915 , 1993 , Isabel Allende, Magda Bogin
The Haunting of Hill House
ISBN 9780141191447 , 2009 , Shirley Jackson
En stemme for Obama: om en nordmanns forsøk på å få 300 millioner amerikanere til å forstå sitt eget beste
ISBN 9788205390331 , 2009 , Erik Møller Solheim, Barack Obama
Mot til å håpe: tanker om å gjenerobre den amerikanske drømmen
ISBN 9788281880641 , 2009 , Kjell Olaf Jensen, Barack Obama
The House of Mirth
ISBN 9780375753756 , 1999 , Edith Wharton
A Year of Festivals: How to Have the Time of Your Life
ISBN 9781741790498 , 2008 , LONELY PLANET PUBLICATIONS, James Bainbridge
Mot til å håpe: tanker om å gjenerobre den amerikanske drømmen
ISBN 9788281880429 , 2008 , Kjell Olaf Jensen, Barack Obama
The House of Eliott
ISBN 9780745143644 , 1995 , Jean Marsh, Stella Gonet
The haunted house
ISBN 9781843910213 , 2012 , Charles Dickens
The Year of Our War
ISBN 9780575076105 , 2004 , Steph Swainston
In the Name of Rome: The Men who Won the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780753817896 , 2004 , Adrian Keith Goldsworthy