Søk: 'Theory of education'
Theory of education
ISBN 9780582297227 , 1988 , Margaret B. Sutherland
Plato's Theory of Education
ISBN 9780415225229 , 2000 , Rupert Clendon Lodge, Solomon Frank
Research project preparation within education and special needs education: introduction to Theory of Science
ISBN 9788276349771 , 2013 , Berit H. Johnsen
Leisure Education: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781571670359 , 1998 , Jean Mundy
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications
ISBN 9780132281553 , 2008 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
Philosophy of Education
ISBN 9780813345314 , 2011 , Nel Noddings
Motivation in education: theory, research, and applications
ISBN 9780130160096 , 2002 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich
Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education
ISBN 9780313235290 , 1986 , John G. Richardson
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780137041374 , 2009 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
World Yearbook of Education 2012: Policy Borrowing and Lending in Education
ISBN 9781138021662 , 2013 , Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Florian Waldow
Anthropology of Environmental Education
ISBN 9781614700333 , 2012 , Helen Kopnina
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9780787996147 , 2008 , Karen Glanz, K. Viswanath
Theory of Addiction
ISBN 9780470674215 , 2013 , Jamie Brown
A History of Education
ISBN 9781103356881 , 2009 , Franklin Verzelius Newton Painter
A History of Education
ISBN 9781103117505 , 2009 , Franklin Verzelius Newton Painter
A History of Education
ISBN 9781103117543 , 2009 , Franklin Verzelius Newton Painter
A History of Education
ISBN 9781103356928 , 2009 , Franklin Verzelius Newton Painter
Holy Sparks: Social Theory, Education, and Religion
ISBN 9780333699249 , 1996 , Philip Wexler
The Philosophy of Education: An Introduction
ISBN 9781847060198 , 2010 , Richard Bailey
Dialogic Inquiry: Towards a Socio-cultural Practice and Theory of Education
ISBN 9780521637251 , 1999 , Gordon Wells
Musical arts in Africa: theory, practice, and education
ISBN 9781868882793 , 2002 , Anri Herbst, Meki Nxewi
Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
ISBN 9781412921831 , 2007 , Jacky Lumby, Marianne Coleman
Motivation in Education
ISBN 9781292041476 , 2013
Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
ISBN 9781847693556 , 2011 , Colin Baker
Philosophy of Education: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405130233 , 2006 , Randall R. Curren
The Politics of Mathematics Education
ISBN 9789048184309 , 2010 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
A Century of Education
ISBN 9780415243230 , 2002 , Richard Aldrich
A Century of Education
ISBN 9780415243223 , 2002 , Richard Aldrich
The Culture of Education
ISBN 9780674179530 , 1997 , Jerome S. Bruner
Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
ISBN 9781412921824 , 2007 , Jacky Lumby, Marianne Coleman