Søk: 'Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction'
Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction
ISBN 9781403941497 , 2004 , Eddy Lee, Marco Vivarelli
Understanding Poverty
ISBN 9780195305203 , 2006 , Dilip Mookherjee, Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee,m.fl.
Understanding Poverty
ISBN 9780195305197 , 2006 , Abhijit V. Banerjee
Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Institutions for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies
ISBN 9780821364840 , 2006
Understanding Globalization
ISBN 9780761947943 , 2003 , Tony Schirato, Jen Webb, Jennifer Webb
Adult Education and Poverty Reduction: Issues for Policy, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9789991271361 , 2007 , J Preece, R van der Veen, W N Raditloaneng
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa
ISBN 9780415463898 , 2007 , Christopher B. Barrett, Peter Little,m.fl.
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects
ISBN 9781861349149 , 2008 , Tess Ridge, Sharon Wright
Understanding Inequality, Poverty and Wealth: Policies and Prospects
ISBN 9781861349156 , 2008 , Tess Ridge, Sharon Wright
Understanding Mainland Puerto Rican Poverty
ISBN 9781566399692 , 2002 , Susan S. Baker
Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications
ISBN 9780230538047 , 2008 , Guanghua Wan
What works for the poorest?: poverty reduction programmes for the world's extreme poor
ISBN 9781853396908 , 2009 , David Hulme, David Lawson, Imran Matin,m.fl.
Poverty and the Environment: Understanding Linkages at the Household Level
ISBN 9780821372234 , 2007 , World Bank Group
Poverty and Development
ISBN 9780198776260 , 2000 , Tim Allen, Alan Thomas
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781446201985 , 2013 , Katja Franko Aas
Health, Economic Development And Household Poverty: From Understanding To Action
ISBN 9780415344289 , 2005 , Anne Mills, Sarah Bennett, Lucy Gilson
Poverty and elusive development
ISBN 9788215012186 , 2010 , Dan Banik
EC Employment Law
ISBN 9789780199289 , 2006 , Catherine Barnard
Federal Prison Inmates: Rehabilitation and Employment
ISBN 9781614701200 , 2012 , Jennifer Pametto, Erwin Jenkins
Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction
ISBN 9780470094945 , 2006 , Saeed V. Vaseghi
Globalization and Football
ISBN 9781412921282 , 2009 , Richard Giulianotti
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781412912907 , 2007 , Katja Franko Aas
Economics of Labor and Employment Law
ISBN 9781845427061 , 2007 , John J Donohue
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781412912891 , 2007 , Katja Franko Aas
Globalization and Football
ISBN 9781412921275 , 2009 , Richard Giulianotti
Social Identity, Intergroup Conflict, and Conflict Reduction
ISBN 9780195137439 , 2001 , Richard D. Ashmore, Lee Jussim, David Wilder
Cultures and Globalization
ISBN 9781412934749 , 2008 , Yudhishthir Raj Isar
Globalization and Literature
ISBN 9780745640242 , 2008
Food, Globalization and Sustainability
ISBN 9781849712613 , 2011 , Peter Oosterveer, David Allan Sonnenfeld
Media Policy And Globalization Media Policy And Globalization
ISBN 9788131600993 , 2007 , Chakravartty Paula, Sarikakis