Søk: 'Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling'
Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling
ISBN 9780240814650 , 2012 , Kenneth Kobre
Power Performance: Multimedia Storytelling for Journalism and Public Relations
ISBN 9781405198691 , 2011
ISBN 9788200216476 , 1992 , Erling Maartman-Moe
ISBN 9788200224747 , 1997 , Erling Maartmann-Moe
Digital Multimedia
ISBN 9780470512166 , 2009 , Jenny Chapman, Nigel P. Chapman
Storytelling: Branding in Practice
ISBN 9783540883487 , 2010 , Klaus Fog, Philip Munch, Stephen Blanchette
Multimedia Learning
ISBN 9780521735353 , 2009
Digital multimedia
ISBN 9780470858905 , 2004 , Jenny Chapman, Nigel P. Chapman
Multimedia Systems
ISBN 9783540408673 , 2004 , Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt
Digital multimedia
ISBN 9780471983866 , 2000 , Jenny Chapman, Nigel P. Chapman
Storytelling: markedsføring i opplevelsesindustrien
ISBN 9788245006520 , 2008 , Ane Sjøbu, Lena Mossberg, Erik Nissen Johansen
Storytelling: Branding In Practice
ISBN 9783540235019 , 2004 , Klaus Fog, Christian Budtz, Baris Yakaboylu
Storytelling: branding i praksis
ISBN 9788759310335 , 2004 , Klaus Fog, Christian Budtz, Baris Yakaboylu
Ordboksamling multimedia
ISBN 9788257308834 , 1997
Documentary Storytelling: Creative Nonfiction on Screen
ISBN 9780240812410 , 2010 , Sheila Curran Bernard
Oxford student's multimedia
ISBN 9780194315777 , 2004
Multimedia: Making it Work
ISBN 9780071748483 , 2011 , Tay Vaughan
Fundamentals of Multimedia
ISBN 9780131272569 , 2003 , Li Ze-Nian, Mark S. Drew
Storytelling in Film and Television
ISBN 9780674010871 , 2003
Pluss multimedia; brukerveiledning
ISBN 9788250821446 , 2001 , Marianne Haanæs, Anne Bruun Dahle
MultiMedia: Texts and Contexts
ISBN 9780761949954 , 2005 , Anne Cranny-Francis
Digital Storytelling: Creating an Estory
ISBN 9781586830809 , 2003 , Dusti Howell, Deanne K Howell
Multimedia Communication Technology: Representation, Transmission and Identification of Multimedia Signals
ISBN 9783540012498 , 2003 , Jens-Rainer Ohm
Operations Management: Multimedia Version
ISBN 9780130130921 , 2000 , Bernard W. Taylor, Roberta S. Russell
Pluss multimedia; interaktivt matematikkprogram
ISBN 9788250821453 , 2001
Pluss multimedia; interaktivt matematikkprogram
ISBN 9788250820593 , 2001
Multimedia Database Management Systems
ISBN 9780890063422 , 1999 , Guojun Lu
Cognitive Effects of Multimedia Learning
ISBN 9781605661582 , 2008
Principles of Interactive Multimedia
ISBN 9780077096106 , 2000 , Mark Elsom-cook
Engelsk multimedia ordbok: skoleversjon
ISBN 9788257309336 , 1998