Søk: 'Women and conflict'
Women and conflict
ISBN 9780855982225 , 1993 , Helen O'Connell
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation
ISBN 9781292023182 , 2013 , Joseph S. Nye
Conflict and Development
ISBN 9780415399371 , 2009 , Roger Mac Ginty, Andrew J. Williams
Conflict and Cooperation
ISBN 9780815631446 , 2007 , Peter E. Makari
Peace and Conflict Studies
ISBN 9781412961202 , 2008 , Charles P. Webel, David P. Barash
Social Identity, Intergroup Conflict, and Conflict Reduction
ISBN 9780195137439 , 2001 , Richard D. Ashmore, Lee Jussim, David Wilder
Women Food and God
ISBN 9780857201508 , 2010 , Geneen Roth
Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation
ISBN 9789042011663 , 2002 , Henry Jansen, D. Gort Jerald, M. Vroom Hendrik
Women and the American Experience
ISBN 9780073385570 , 2010 , Nancy Woloch
ISBN 9783823845768 , 2004 , Stefan May
Peace and Conflict Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780415591294 , 2011 , Charles P. Webel, Jorgen Johansen
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance
ISBN 9780415560740 , 2010 , Elizabeth J. Perry,m.fl.
Women, Art, and Society
ISBN 9780500202937 , 1997
Violence and Conflict Resolution: Contemporary Perspectives
ISBN 9788182202931 , 2010 , Neelam Rathee
Peace and Conflict: The South Asian Experience
ISBN 9789382993551 , 2015
Women, Policy and Politics
ISBN 9780761956754 , 1999 , Carol Lee Bacchi
Latin America: Development and Conflict Since 1945
ISBN 9780415318235 , 2004 , John Ward
Northern Ireland: Conflict and Change
ISBN 9780582424005 , 2001 , Jonathan Tonge
Religion and Development: Conflict or Cooperation?
ISBN 9780230542464 , 2007 , Jeff Haynes
Women, Culture and Development
ISBN 9780198289173 , 1995 , Jonathan Glover, Martha C. Nussbaum
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
ISBN 9780582771895 , 2008
Women, Work and Computerization
ISBN 9780444819277 , 1994 , A. Adam, E. Green, J. Owen
Religion and development: conflict or cooperation?
ISBN 9781403997906 , 2007 , Jeffrey Haynes
The Conflict of Laws
ISBN 9780199679287 , 2013 , Adrian Briggs
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781118526866 , 2014 , Peter T. Coleman, Eric C. Marcus
Women, Work, and Family
ISBN 9780415902625 , 1988 , Louise A. Tilly, Joan Wallach Scott
African pastoralism: conflict, institutions and government
ISBN 9780745317878 , 2001 , M. A. Mohamed Salih, Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed Ahmed
Social conflict: escalation, stalemate, and settlement
ISBN 9780072855357 , 2003 , Dean G. Pruitt, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Sung Hee Kim
Islam, women, and gender justice
ISBN 9788121207553 , 2001 , Asghar Ali Engineer
Getting to Cooperation: Conflict and Conflict Management in a Norwegian Hospital : Hospital Professionals' Perceptions, Attributions and Behaviours in Conflict
ISBN 9789189479777 , 2002