Søk: 'brand'
ISBN 9788205335554 , 2005 , Henrik Ibsen, Hanne Ørstavik
Brand Leadership
ISBN 9781847398352 , 2009 , Erich Joachimsthaler, David A. Aaker
From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation
ISBN 9781856177733 , 2010 , Leslie de Chernatony
ISBN 9788242108524 , 1999 , Henrik Ibsen
ISBN 9788242108500 , 1999 , Henrik Ibsen
ISBN 9780140446760 , 1996 , Geoffrey Hill, Ibsen Henrik
From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation
ISBN 9780080966649 , 2010 , Leslie de Chernatony
Valuepack:Strategic Brand Management:International Edition/Brand You
ISBN 9781408200636 , 2008 , Kevin Lane Keller, Michael R. Solomon
From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation
ISBN 9780080459660 , 2006 , Leslie de Chernatony
Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity
ISBN 9780132336222 , 2008 , Kevin Lane Keller
Brand leadership
ISBN 9780743207676 , 2002 , Erich Joachimsthaler, David A. Aaker
From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation
ISBN 9780080506975 , 2001 , Leslie de Chernatony
Brand Leadership
ISBN 9780684839240 , 2000 , Erich Joachimsthaler, David A. Aaker
Strategic Brand Management: Building Measuring and Managing Brand Equity
ISBN 9780132664257 , 2012 , Kevin Lane Keller
Keller: Strategic Brand Managment GE_p4
ISBN 9780273779414 , 2012 , Kevin Lane Keller
Brand Management
ISBN 9781855219618 , 1998 , L.De Chernatony
Brand relations management: bridging the gap between between brand promise and brand delivery
ISBN 9789147064038 , 2004 , Tony Apéria, Rolf Black
Brand Relations Management: Bridging the Gap Between Brand Promise and Brand Delivery
ISBN 9788279351436 , 2004 , Tony Apéria, Rolf Back
Brand New Justice
ISBN 9780750666008 , 2004 , Simon Anholt
B2B Brand Management
ISBN 9783540253600 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch, Ines Michi
Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity
ISBN 9780131105836 , 2003 , Kevin Lane Keller
Corporate Reputation: Brand and Communication
ISBN 9780273727590 , 2012 , Chris Fill, Stuart Roper
The Corporate Brand
ISBN 9780333674727 , 1997
Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273737872 , 2011 , Kevin Lane Keller, Tony Apéria, Mats Georgson
Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures and Markets
ISBN 9780749447120 , 2005 , Sicco Van Gelder
The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term
ISBN 9780749450854 , 2008 , Jean-Noël Kapferer
Brand; et dramatisk dikt
ISBN 9788205277663 , 2001 , Henrik Ibsen
The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term
ISBN 9780749442835 , 2004 , Jean-Noël Kapferer
Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach
ISBN 9780470319925 , 2009 , Terry D. Smith
Customer and Brand Manager Perspectives on Brand Relationships: A Conceptual Framework
ISBN 9780704424951 , 2004 , L.De Chernatony, Colin Jeavons, Mark Gabbott