Søk: '#coaching'
Further Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring
ISBN 9781856174992 , 2009 , David Clutterbuck
Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412912174 , 2008
Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership
ISBN 9780749458836 , 2011
Group and Team Coaching: The Essential Guide
ISBN 9780415472289 , 2010
Business Coaching International: Transforming Individuals and Organizations
ISBN 9781855757134 , 2009 , Sunny Stout Rostron
Mentoring og coaching i et læringsperspektiv
ISBN 9788251925846 , 2011 , Ragnheidur Karlsdottir, Ragnvald Kvalsund
A Buyers Guide To Business Coaching
ISBN 9780955366024 , 2008 , Clare Moore, Brian Wishart
Mentoring and Coaching: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412912167 , 2008
Coaching: hvordan beholde og utvikle selgere
ISBN 9788202217877 , 2002 , Petter A. Berg
Coaching and Mentoring Skills (Neteffect Series)
ISBN 9780130922229 , 2004
Lær deg coaching: en praktisk innføring i coaching, basert på norske arbeidsforhold
ISBN 9788259023575 , 2000 , Anders J. Gåserud
Coaching: å hjelpe ledere og medarbeidere til å lykkes
ISBN 9788215008394 , 2006
Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners
ISBN 9781583917077 , 2006
Leadership Coaching: Working With Leaders to Develop Elite Performance
ISBN 9780749455323 , 2010
Co-Active Coaching, 3rd Edition: Changing Business, Transforming Lives
ISBN 9781857885675 , 2011 , 3. utgave , Laura Whitworth, Henry Kimsey-House,m.fl.
Leadership Coaching: From Personal Insight to Organisational Performance
ISBN 9780852929964 , 2003 , Graham Lee
The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching: From Theory to Practice
ISBN 9780470624449 , 2011
Coaching: en kraftfull metode til forandring og vekst
ISBN 9788299723602 , 2005
Coaching Journey: True Life Stories of Coach Training
ISBN 9780954922900 , 2004 , Diane Bown-Wilson
Coaching for Leadership: Writings on Leadership from the World's Greatest Coaches
ISBN 9780470947746 , 2012 , Marshall Goldsmith, Sarah McArthur
Coaching and Mentoring: Practical Methods to Improve Learning
ISBN 9780749431181 , 2000 , Eric Parsloe, Monika Jamieson Wray
Coaching: å hjelpe ledere og medarbeidere til å lykkes
ISBN 9788215003177 , 2002
Verdiskapende samhandling: et norsk perspektiv på teamutvikling og coaching
ISBN 9788210044458 , 1999 , Jan Sverre Amundsen
Coaching - effektfull ledelse: hvordan lede andre til personlig og faglig vekst
ISBN 9788299726504 , 2005
Sol gjennom tåke: om proaktiv tenkning, coaching og teambygging
ISBN 9788251918800 , 2003 , Ottar Ness, Ivan Telatin, Finn Voldtofte
Do What You're Built For: A Self Development Guide Using Coaching Principles
ISBN 9781434337832 , 2008 , Dr. Daniel Lee, Fred Anderson
Do What You're Built For: A Self Development Guide Using Coaching Principles
ISBN 9781434337825 , 2008 , Dr. Daniel Lee, Fred Anderson
Positive psychology coaching: putting the science of happiness to work for your clients
ISBN 9780470042465 , 2007 , Robert Biswas-Diener, Ben Dean
Ideudvikling, coaching, efterkritik: værktøjer til en mere kreativ arbejdsplads
ISBN 9788779531185 , 2002
Coaching på jobbet: en praktisk vejledning i at udvikle dine egne og dine medarbejderes færdigheder
ISBN 9788778807151 , 1998