Søk: 'A Circumpolar Reappraisal: The Legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979)'
Hadith: Muhammad's legacy in the medieval and modern world
ISBN 9781851686636 , 2009 , Jonathan A. C. Brown
Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior
ISBN 9780198240600 , 1997
A National Health Service?: Restructuring of Health Care in Britain Since 1979
ISBN 9780333578322 , 1995 , John Mohan
A Personal Portrait: Your Life, Your Words, Your Legacy
ISBN 9780595349258 , 2005 , Gavriel Hasaya
Naturdagbok fra året 1906 av en engelsk dame
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A Personal Portrait: Your Life, Your Words, Your Legacy
ISBN 9780595671700 , 2005 , Gavriel Hasaya
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern, 19 September 1979)
ISBN 9789287165992 , 2009 , m.fl.
Sykepleie i hundre: utdanningen i Trondheim 1906-2006
ISBN 9788251921244 , 2006 , Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, Kari Westad Hauge
Citizen and subject: contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism
ISBN 9780691027937 , 1996 , Mahmood Mamdani
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
ISBN 9780131177055 , 2004 , FEATHERS
Holy Blood, Holy Grail Illustrated Edition: The Secret History of Jesus, the Shocking Legacy of the Grail
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Financial Fragility and Investment in the Capitalist Economy: The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minsky
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Interpreting the legacy: John Neihardt and Black Elk speaks
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Beyond the barricades: Nicaragua and the struggle for the Sandinista press, 1979-1998
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The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minski: Financial fragility and investment in the capitalism economy
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Classical Genetic Research and Its Legacy: The Mapping Cultures of Twentieth Century Genetics
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Dagbøker: 1865, 1866, 1905, 1906 og 1907
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Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
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Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
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A History of the British Isles
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Eastern Crossroads. Essays on Medieval Christian Legacy
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Enterprising China: Business, Economic, and Legal Developments since 1979
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The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea
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The idea of a University
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A History of the Modern World
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