Søk: 'A Quick Start Guide to Social Media Marketing: High-Impact, Low-Cost Marketing That Works'
Breakthrough Marketing Plans: How to Stop Wasting Time and Start Driving Growth
ISBN 9780230607569 , 2008 , Tim Calkins
Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works
ISBN 9781449305178 , 2012 , Ash Maurya
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136009986 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Phil Kotler
Marketing Management
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Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective
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Pricing Strategies: A Marketing Approach
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Marketing Management
ISBN 9780131457577 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, KEVIN LANE AUTOR KELLER
Services Marketing
ISBN 9780538476454 , 2010 , John E. G. Bateson
Get That Job: Cvs: How to Produce the Ultimate Marketing Tool
ISBN 9780747572022 , 2004 , Bloomsbury Staff, Reference
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780273786993 , 2013 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly
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Foundations of Marketing
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Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
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Introduction To Agribusiness Marketing
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Study Guide for Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780132167208 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Services Marketing
ISBN 9780073380933 , 2008 , Valarie A. Zeithaml, Dwayne D. Gremler,m.fl.
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780132102926 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9780750648394 , 2002 , Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne,m.fl.
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136074892 , 2010 , Russell S. Winer, Ravi Dhar
Valuepack:Framework for Marketing Management/Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach/the Marketing Plan Handbook
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Marketing Channels
ISBN 9780131913462 , 2005
Marketing Channels
ISBN 9780324361223 , 2009
High Impact CVs (2nd Ed)
ISBN 9781905940110 , 2007 , John Middleton
International consumer behavior: its impact on marketing strategy development
ISBN 9780899308838 , 1995 , A. Coskun Samli
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
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Marketing Management
ISBN 9789810679934 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Essentials of Marketing
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International Marketing
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Hospitality Marketing
ISBN 9780750652452 , 2004 , David Bowie, Francis Buttle
A Guide to Impact Fees and Housing Affordability
ISBN 9781597264143 , 2008 , Arthur C. Nelson, Liza K. Bowles,m.fl.