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Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference
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Ethnic Conflict and Religion: Challenge to the Churches
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Folklore, Heritage Politics and Ethnic Diversity: A Festschrift for Barbro Klein
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The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic and Religious Identities
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The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic, and Religious Identities
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Art, Nation and Gender: Ethnic Landscapes, Myths and Mother-Figures
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Ethnic community builders: Mexican Americans in search of justice and power : the struggle for citizenship rights in San José, California
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The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience
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Producing Local Color: Art Networks in Ethnic Chicago
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Ethnic Community Builders: Mexican Americans in Search of Justice and Power : the Struggle for Citizenship Rights in San José, California
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A Guide to Ethnic Health Collections in the United States
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The Foundations of Ethnic Politics: Separatism of States and Nations in Eurasia and the World
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Dynamics of ethnic identity: three Asian American communities in Philadelphia
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Ethnic Groups in Motion: Economic Competititon and Migration in Multiethnic States
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Natives and Strangers: A Multicultureal History of Americans
ISBN 9780195147735 , 2003 , David M. Reimers, Roger L. Nichols
Arab industrialization in Israel: ethnic entrepreneurship in the periphery
ISBN 9780275948566 , 1995 , Izhak Schnell, Michael Sofer, Israel Drori
A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (1847)
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Ethnic Nationalism and Fall of Empires: Central Europe, Russia and the Midle East, 1914-1923
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