Søk: 'Abraham Miguel Cardozo: selected writings'
Lysias: Selected Speeches
ISBN 9780521269889 , 1990 , P. E. Easterling, Philip Hardie, Richard Hunter,m.fl.
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
ISBN 9780691020303 , 1984 , F. E. (Francis E.) Peters
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam: A New Edition
ISBN 9780691127699 , 2006 , Francis E. Peters, John L. Esposito
Georg Baselitz: Collected Writings and Interviews
ISBN 9781905464234 , 2009 , Jill Lloyd, Detlev Gretenkort, Karsten Schubert
Selected Political Speeches
ISBN 9780140442144 , 1973 , Marcus Tullius Cicero
Billy Budd, Sailor and Selected Tales
ISBN 9780199538911 , 2009 , Herman Melville
A Collection of the Political Writings of William Leggett, Selected and Arranged with a Preface by Theodore Sedgwick, JR (Volume 2)
ISBN 9781151984371 , 2010 , William Leggett
Selected Short Stories
ISBN 9780140442434 , 1971 , Guy de Maupassant
The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism
ISBN 9780812974218 , 2006 , Bernard McGinn
Selected Short Stories - Conrad
ISBN 9781853261909 , 1997 , Joseph Conrad, Dr. Keith Carabine
Abraham on trial : the social legacy of biblical myth
ISBN 9780691070506 , 2000 , Carol Lowery Delaney
Of the Social Contract and Other Political Writings
ISBN 9780141191751 , 2012 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques
Music, performance, meaning: selected essays
ISBN 9780754627180 , 2007 , Nicholas Cook
American Photography 23: Selected Images
ISBN 9781886212282 , 2007
Berlin Republic: Writings on Germany
ISBN 9780745620442 , 1998 , Jurgen Habermas, Peter Uwe Hobendahl
Abraham on Trial: The Social Legacy of Biblical Myth
ISBN 9780691059853 , 1998 , Carol Lowery Delaney
Culture in Practice: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780942299380 , 2005 , Marshall Sahlins
Life and Selected Revelations
ISBN 9780809131396 , 1990 , Saint Bridget (of Sweden),m.fl.
Selected Chapters from Chemistry Sixth Edition: Spring 2012
ISBN 9781781342015 , 2012 , 6. utgave , Robert C. Fay
The Selected Prophecies of Nostradamus
ISBN 9781904633228 , 2004 , Alexander Harrison, Michel Nostradamus
The Social Unconscious: Selected Papers
ISBN 9781843100881 , 2002 , Earl Hopper
En sjømanns saga: Andrew Furuseth, havets Abraham Lincoln
ISBN 9788210036606 , 1993 , Haakon Lie
Ibsen's Selected Plays (Norton Critical Editions)
ISBN 9780393924046 , 2003 , Ibsen Henrik
Four Sociological Traditions: Selected Readings
ISBN 9780195087024 , 1994 , Dr Randall Collins
Relational database writings, 1989-1991
ISBN 9780201543032 , 1992 , Hugh Darwen, C.J. Date
Matters of Life and Death: Key Writings
ISBN 9781846190964 , 2007
Culture in Practice: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780942299373 , 2001 , Marshall Sahlins
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes
ISBN 9781852421274 , 1998 , Langston Hughes
The Selected Canterbury Tales: A New Verse Translation
ISBN 9780393341782 , 2012 , Chaucer Geoffrey
A Berlin Republic: Writings on Germany
ISBN 9780803273061 , 1997 , Jurgen Habermas, Steven Rendall,m.fl.