Søk: 'An Essay on Urban Economic Theory'
Urban Social Geography: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131249448 , 2006 , Paul Leslie Knox, Stephen Pinch
The common mind: an essay on psychology, society, and politics
ISBN 9780195078183 , 1993 , Philip Pettit
Economic Sociology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415392228 , 2006 , Jeffrey Kenneth Hass, Jeff Hass
Medusa's Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience
ISBN 9780226616018 , 1984 , Gananath Obeyesekere
An Essay on Man: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Culture
ISBN 9780300000344 , 1977 , Ernst Cassirer
Economic Sociology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415392211 , 2006 , Jeffrey Kenneth Hass, Jeff Hass
Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing
ISBN 9780745664804 , 2013 , Didier Fassin
Advanced Economic Theory (microeconomic Analysis)
ISBN 9788121902601 , 2007 , H. L. Ahuja
Political Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9781137437273 , 2015 , Andrew Heywood
Theoretical perspectives on urban politics
ISBN 9780139132025 , 1976 , Willis D. Hawley
Norsk skrivekunst: an essay-antologi
ISBN 9788252513028 , 1986 , Erling Nielsen
Oprah Winfrey and the glamour of misery: an essay on popular culture
ISBN 9780231118132 , 2003
Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability
ISBN 9780262162166 , 2003 , Peter Pesic
Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery: An Essay on Popular Culture
ISBN 9780231118125 , 2003
Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
ISBN 9780262611350 , 1997 , Paul R. Krugman
Regulation: Legal Form And Economic Theory
ISBN 9781841135304 , 2004 , Anthony I. Ogus
Economic Theory and Western European Intergration
ISBN 9780415607407 , 2010
The social significance of telematics: an essay on the information society
ISBN 9789027225405 , 1984 , Lars Qvortrup
Urban Geography
ISBN 9780415492324 , 2011 , Tim Hall, Heather L. Barrett
Urban Geography
ISBN 9781136647369 , 2012 , Tim Hall, Heather Barrett
Human nature and organization theory: on the economic approach to institutional organization
ISBN 9781840647143 , 2003 , Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
Archaeological Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405100151 , 2008
Ethical Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9780470671603 , 2012 , Russ Shafer-Landau
Essays in International Economic Theory
ISBN 9780262521215 , 1986 , Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Urban Drainage
ISBN 9780415455268 , 2010 , David Butler, John W. Davies
Urban Geography
ISBN 9780471798156 , 2008 , James O. Wheeler, Steven Holloway, Dave H. Kaplan,m.fl.
Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method
ISBN 9780801492594 , 1983 , Gerard Genette, Jane E. Lewin
A Social and Economic Theory of Consumption
ISBN 9780230244108 , 2011 , Alan Warde, Kaj Ilmonen, Pekka Sulkunen,m.fl.
Urban Geography
ISBN 9780415492317 , 2011 , Tim Hall, Heather L. Barrett
Urban Geography
ISBN 9780415344463 , 2006 , Tim Hall