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An Introduction to Islam
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Psychology and Religion: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415189064 , 1999 , Michael Argyle
Psychology and Religion: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415189071 , 1999 , Michael Argyle
The Anthropology of Religion: An Introduction
ISBN 9780631208488 , 2000 , Fiona Bowie
God, Humanity and the Cosmos - 3rd Edition: A Textbook in Science and Religion
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Terminal Illusion: Logos of Man's Doublet
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Velkommen til Harmony
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Velkommen til Harmony
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Alternative pathways in science and industry: activism, innovation, and the environment in an era of globalization
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Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa
ISBN 9781403979643 , 2007
Computer Science: An Overview
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Pathways in Science and Industry: Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization
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Gender, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia
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Constructing Bangladesh: Religion, Ethnicity, And Language in an Islamic Nation
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Women in Islam
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An Introduction to International Relations and Religion
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Religion in Modern Times: An Interpretive Anthology
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Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny (Issues of Our Time)
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Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan
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Computer Science: An Overview
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Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity: An Introduction
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Principles of radiographic imaging: an art and a science
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Chinese Religion: An Anthology of Sources
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An Assessment of Undersea Weapons, Science and Technology
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The History of Islam in Africa
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Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty
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False hope: the politics of illusion in the Clinton era
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Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780132569033 , 2011 , J.Glenn Brookshear