Søk: 'Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2001/2002 [electronic resource]'
Development Economics
ISBN 9781400835898 , 1998 , Debraj Ray
Usability engineering [electronic resource]: scenario-based development of human-computer interaction
ISBN 9781558607125 , 2001 , Mary Beth Rosson, John John Millar Carroll
Java extreme programming cookbook [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780596003876 , 2002 , Eric M. Burke, Brian M. Coyner
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780321311528 , 2006 , Tom Tietenberg, Thomas H. Tietenberg
Plan for daglig bibellesning 2001/2002
ISBN 9788254308929 , 2001
Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics: ICM 2002 International Satellite Conference, Beijing, China, August 29-31, 2002, Revised Papers
ISBN 9783540406891 , 2003 , Fengshan Bai, Bernd Wegner
Abstracts of the 12th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference: Davos, Switzerland, August 18-23, 2002
ISBN 9780080441863 , 2002 , Frank A. Podosek
NANDA sykepleiediagnoser: definisjoner & klassifikasjon, 2001-2002 00
ISBN 9788279500841 , 2003
Economics of Development
ISBN 9780393929096 , 2006 , David L. Lindauer, Dwight Heald Perkins,m.fl.
Rethinking Development Economics
ISBN 9781843311102 , 2003 , Ha-Joon Chang
The Penguin dictionary of sociology [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780141013756 , 2006 , Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill
Operations research proceedings 2001: selected papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2001), Duisburg, September 3-5, 2001
ISBN 9783540433446 , 2002 , Peter Chamoni
Social class and stratification [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780415041256 , 1989 , Peter Saunders
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy
ISBN 9780125054478 , 2002 , Graham A. Webb
Corporate communications [electronic resource]: theory and practice
ISBN 9780761944355 , 2004 , Joep Cornelissen
Early Childhood Counts Programming Resources
ISBN 9780821345689 , 2006 , World Bank 2001 C/D
Economics and Development Studies
ISBN 9780415450386 , 2010 , Andy Sumner, Michael Tribe, Frederick Nixson
Portraits of the L2 user [electronic resource]
ISBN 9781853595837 , 2002 , Vivian James Cook
Natural Resource Economics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071189347 , 2000
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780321185365 , 2003 , Thomas H. Tietenberg
Economics and Development Studies
ISBN 9780203847077 , 2010 , Andy Sumner, Michael Tribe, Frederick Nixson,m.fl.
Economics and Development Studies
ISBN 9780415450393 , 2010 , Andy Sumner, Michael Tribe, Frederick Nixson,m.fl.
Learning jQuery [electronic resource]: better interaction design and web development with simple JavaScript techniques
ISBN 9781847192509 , 2007 , Karl Swedberg, Jonathan Chaffer
TCP/IP embedded internet applications [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780750657358 , 2003 , Edward Insam
Social behavior in farm animals [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780851993973 , 2001 , Linda J. Keeling, Harold W. Gonyou
Plantevern; kjemiske og biologiske midler 2001-2002
ISBN 9788252925937 , 2001
Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications[: ICCIMA 2001 : Proceedings : 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2001
ISBN 9780769513126 , 2001 , IEEE
Economics of Development
ISBN 9780393968514 , 1996 , Malcolm Gillis
Advances in Development Economics
ISBN 9789812834874 , 2008 , Dipak Basu
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management
ISBN 9780415779050 , 2010 , David A. Anderson