Søk: 'Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia'
Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring Discourses, Counter-Tendencies, and Violence
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Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence
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Asia: Cultural Politics in the Global Age
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AIDS, South Africa and the Politics of Knowledge
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The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique
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State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900
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Buddhism Betrayed?: Religion, Politics, and Violence in Sri Lanka
ISBN 9780226789507 , 1992 , Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah
Anthropology, Development and Modernities: Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence
ISBN 9780415204996 , 1999 , Alberto Arce, Norman Long
Democracy in the Developing World: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East
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Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
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Politics in Pacific Asia: An Introduction
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Community and democracy in South Africa: liberal versus communitarian perspectives
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The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
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The Social Construction of Man, the State and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
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Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship
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Paths Toward Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and South America
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The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
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Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
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Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction and Democracy
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Iranian History and Politics: The Dialectic of State and Society
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Overcoming Violence in Asia: The Role of the Church in Seeking Cultures of Peace
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Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
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Anthropology and International Health: South Asian Case Studies
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Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia
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