Søk: 'Applied Optimal Control Theory of Distributed Systems'
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780136135531 , 2006 , Maarten van Steen, Andrew S 1944- Tanenbaum
Distributed systems: principles and paradigms
ISBN 9780132392273 , 2006 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen
Dissipative systems analysis and control: theory and applications
ISBN 9781846285165 , 2006 , Bernard Brogliato, Rogelio Lozano,m.fl.
Distributed systems: concepts and design
ISBN 9780201619188 , 2001 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780073100890 , 2006
Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780521583862 , 1997 , C. J. Van Rijsbergen, S. Abramsky, P.H. Aczel,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780131217867 , 2002 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen,m.fl.
Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems
ISBN 9781441951670 , 2010 , Wayne Wolf
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780071181006 , 2001 , Robert Newton Anthony
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780072316353 , 2000
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292068909 , 2014 , Abbas Emami-Naeini, Gene F.. Franklin,m.fl.
Microcontroller Based Applied Digital Control
ISBN 9780470863350 , 2006
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780256108248 , 1992 , Robert Newton Anthony, John Dearden
Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modeling
ISBN 9783642161346 , 2010 , Jean Levine, Philippe Mullhaupt
Batch Distillation: Simulation, Optimal Design and Control
ISBN 9781560323242 , 1995 , Urmila Diwekar
Environmental Control Systems
ISBN 9780070428904 , 1992 , Fuller Moore
Control Systems and Mechatronics
ISBN 9781842654392 , 2007 , J. Srinivas, Goutam Brahmachari
Instrumentation and Control Systems
ISBN 9780750664325 , 2004
Isv Control Systems Engineering
ISBN 9780470169971 , 2008 , Norman S. Nise
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems: International Version
ISBN 9780135001509 , 2008 , Gene F. Franklin, Abbas Emami-Naeini
Discrete Time Control Systems
ISBN 9788177581713 , 2006 , Katsuhiko Ogata
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
ISBN 9783642115493 , 2011 , Daizhan Cheng, Xiaoming Hu, Tielong Shen
Applied Operating Systems Concepts
ISBN 9780471365082 , 2000 , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin
Distributed Computer Control Sys in Industrial Automation
ISBN 9780824781187 , 1990 , Dobrivoje Popovic, Vijay P. Bhatkar
Modern Control Systems: International Version
ISBN 9780131383104 , 2010 , Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop
Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
ISBN 9783034801324 , 2011 , Gunter Leugering, Sebastian Engell,m.fl.
Analysis and Control of Production Systems
ISBN 9780130787590 , 1993 , Elsayed A. Elsayed, Thomas O. Boucher
Linear Systems Theory
ISBN 9780691140216 , 2009
Dynamic Optimization: The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management
ISBN 9780486488561 , 2012 , Morton I. Kamien, Nancy Lou Schwartz
Design guidelines for a monitoring environment concerning distributed real-time systems: as means for achieving dependability control through dynamic adaption of distributed real-time target systems under operation
ISBN 9788251919319 , 2004 , Aida Omerovic