Søk: 'Average and Edge Stresses for Thin Flat Aluminium Alloy Plates in Compression'
Digital Image Sequence Processing, Compression, and Analysis
ISBN 9780849315268 , 2004 , Todd R. Reed
Introduction to Data Compression
ISBN 9781558605589 , 2000 , Khalid Sayood
Mapping the Edge
ISBN 9781844081769 , 2005 , Sarah Dunant
Compression for Great Digital Video: Power Tips, Techniques, and Common Sense
ISBN 9781578201112 , 2002 , Ben Waggoner
MPEG Video Compression Standard
ISBN 9780412087714 , 1996 , William B. Pennebaker, Joan L. Mitchell,m.fl.
Digital Compression of Still Images and Video
ISBN 9780121757205 , 1995 , Roger J. Clarke
Psychological Capital:Developing the Human Competitive Edge: Developing the Human Competitive Edge
ISBN 9780195187526 , 2006 , Bruce J. Avolio, Fred Luthans
Digital Image Compression Techniques
ISBN 9780819406484 , 1991 , Majid Rabbani, Paul W. Jones
Average-cost Control of Stochastic Manufacturing Systems
ISBN 9780387219479 , 2005 , Suresh P. Sethi, Qing Zhang, Han-Qin Zhang
Digital Video Compression [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780071424875 , 2004 , Peter D. Symes
The Graphic Edge
ISBN 9781873968697 , 1995
The new negotiating edge: the behavioral approach for results and relationships
ISBN 9781857882056 , 1998 , Gavin Kennedy
In 1926: Living on the Edge of Time
ISBN 9780674000551 , 1998 , Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
ISBN 9780393310351 , 1993 , Avinash K. Dixit
The Edge of Reason
ISBN 9780330367349 , 1999 , Bridget Jones
A Concise Introduction to Data Compression
ISBN 9781848000711 , 2008 , David Salomon
The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780141034898 , 2007 , Thomas L. Friedman
Aluminium Electrolysis: Fundamentals of the Hall-Héroult Process
ISBN 9783870172701 , 2002
Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness
ISBN 9780300101928 , 2004 , Caroline Evans
Hieronymus Bosch: with 41 colour plates
ISBN 9780500530214 , 1978 , Gregory Martin
The Doré illustrations for Dante's Divine comedy: 136 plates
ISBN 9780486232317 , 1976 , Dante Alighieri, Gustave Doré
The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780141022727 , 2006 , Thomas L. Friedman
Japan on the Edge: An Inquiry into the Japanese Government's Struggle for Superpower Status and UN Security Council Membership at the Edge of Decline
ISBN 9780578020532 , 2009 , Roberto M. Rodriguez, Laurent A. Cleenewerck
Nanoq: flat out and bluesome : a cultural life of polar bears
ISBN 9781904772392 , 2006 , Mark Wilson, Michelle Henning, Patricia Ellis,m.fl.
Mapping the Edge: A Novel
ISBN 9780375758614 , 2002 , Sarah Dunant
Da jorden ble flat: mytene som ikke ville dø
ISBN 9788253146171 , 2010 , Bjørn Are Davidsen
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
Sky Dive: Life at the Edge
ISBN 9781841677859 , 2010 , Steve Rickard
Free Dive: Life at the Edge
ISBN 9781841677828 , 2010 , Steve Rickard
JPEG: Still Image Data Compression Standard
ISBN 9780442012724 , 1992 , William B. Pennebaker, Joan L. Mitchell