Søk: 'Basic Marketing Research: Application to Contemporary Issues with Spss'
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780275916428 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffey R. Orenstein
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780030008399 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffrey R. Orenstein
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780030008382 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, J. Openstein
Leading Issues in Knowledge Management Research
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Contemporary auditing: real issues and cases
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Contemporary auditing: real issues and cases
ISBN 9780324048612 , 2000
Shrinkwrap: Research Design and Methods (0071117172) with Spss Survival Manual V12 (0335216404)
ISBN 9780077109608 , 2004 , Abbott, BORDENS
Marketing Tourism Products: Concepts, Issues, Cases
ISBN 9781861523020 , 1996 , A.V. Seaton, M. M. Bennett
Contemp Marketing Research 3e
ISBN 9780314061225 , 1996 , 3. utgave , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
SPSS Explained
ISBN 9780415616010 , 2014 , Perry R. Hinton, Charlotte Brownlow
Advances in Robotics Research: Theory, Implementation, Application
ISBN 9783642012129 , 2009 , Torsten Kröger, Friedrich M. Wahl
SPSS Explained
ISBN 9780415616027 , 2014 , Perry R. Hinton, Charlotte Brownlow
Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents
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Basic Biomechanics: With Olc
ISBN 9780071260411 , 2006 , Susan Jean Hall
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation
ISBN 9780136085430 , 2009 , Naresh K. Malhotra, SPSS Inc.
Basic Marketing Research Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis: Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis
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Marketing Research: An International Approach
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Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues, Trends And Cases
ISBN 9780750661331 , 2004
Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents
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ISBN 9780135093160 , 2009 , Lisa Spiller, Martin Baier
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9780077117382 , 2008 , Subhash C. Jain, Dr. Patrik Jonsson,m.fl.
SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS
ISBN 9780335242399 , 2010 , Julie Pallant
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9780030220128 , 1987 , Gilbert A.. Churchill
Marketing research: an integrated approach
ISBN 9780273651130 , 2003 , Alan M. Wilson
Valuepack:Introduction to research Methods and Statistics in Psycology with SpSS for windows 13.0 Student Version CD-ROM
ISBN 9781405839815 , 2006 , Allyn & Bacon
Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9780273694748 , 2006 , Alan M. Wilson
Shrinkwrap: Research Design and Methods (0071117172) with Spss Survival Manual V10-11 (0335208908)
ISBN 9780077109691 , 2004 , Abbott, BORDENS
The SPSS Survival Manual
ISBN 9780335262588 , 2013 , Julie Pallant
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation
ISBN 9780131217294 , 2003 , Naresh Malhotra
Marketing Research: An Applied Approach
ISBN 9780139229640 , 2000 , Naresh K. Malhotra, Dr. David F. Birks