Søk: 'C++ Fundamentals I and II + C++ for Programmers'
Absolute C++
ISBN 9780321330239 , 2006 , Walter J. Savitch
"C" is for Corpse
ISBN 9780330315845 , 1990 , Sue Grafton
C++ Programming
ISBN 9780321356567 , 2005 , Larry Edward Ullman, Andreas Signer
Les C
ISBN 9788203116117 , 2004 , Kari Grossmann, Åge Didriksen, Jan-Kåre Øien
Inside C#
ISBN 9780072851083 , 2003 , Microsoft Press, Tom Archer
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
ISBN 9780321992789 , 2014 , Bjarne Stroustrup
Jumping Into C++
ISBN 9780988927803 , 2013
The Norwegian Domination and the Norse World: C.1100 - C.1400
ISBN 9788251925631 , 2010 , Steinar Imsen
Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets
ISBN 9780131774292 , 1994 , Peter van der Linden
Algorithms in C++: Fundamentals, data structures, sorting, searching
ISBN 9780201350883 , 1998
C++ Primer Plus
ISBN 9780321776402 , 2011 , Stephen Prata
Head First C
ISBN 9781449399917 , 2012 , David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths
Programmeringsspråket C
ISBN 9788251827058
Effective Modern C++
ISBN 9781491903995
Kingship, Rebellion and Political Culture: England and Germany, c.1215 - c.1250
ISBN 9780230302365 , 2011 , Bjorn Weiler
Skrift ABC: C
ISBN 9788203300547 , 2013 , Sigrun Nygaard Moriggi, Jakob Rask Arnesen
C Primer Plus
ISBN 9780321928429 , 2013 , Stephen Prata
Matematikk: medio C
ISBN 9788205274020 , 2012
C Program Design for Engineers
ISBN 9780321204172 , 2001 , Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman
C Traps and Pitfalls
ISBN 9780201179286 , 1989 , Andrew Koenig
Introducing C++ for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians
ISBN 9783540760429 , 2001 , Graham Mark Seed, Derek M. Capper
Visual C ++ 6 for dummies
ISBN 9780764503726 , 1998 , Michael I. Hyman, Michael Hyman: Bob Arnson,m.fl.
Engelsk: primo C
ISBN 9788205283817 , 2011 , Juliet Munden
Matematikk: primo C
ISBN 9788205283688 , 2011 , Bjørn Gjefsen, Kari Gjefsen, Børre Holth
Matematikk: primo C
ISBN 9788205283954 , 2011 , Bjørn Gjefsen, Kari Gjefsen, Børre Holth
Computer Concepts And C Programming: A Holistic Approach To Learning C
ISBN 9788120332010 , 2007
C++ Pocket Reference
ISBN 9780596004965 , 2003 , Kyle Loudon
Test-Driven Development for Embedded C
ISBN 9781934356623 , 2011 , James W. Grenning
Learning C# 3.0
ISBN 9780596521066 , 2008 , Jesse Liberty, Brian MacDonald
Programming C# 3.0
ISBN 9780596527433 , 2008 , Jesse Liberty, Donald Xie