Søk: 'C++ GUI Programming with Qt4'
Head First C#: A Learner's Guide to Real-World Programming with Visual C# and .Net
ISBN 9781449380342 , 2010
Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, Sixth Edition (Core Reference)
ISBN 9780735615496 , 2003 , 6. utgave , George Shepherd, David J. Kruglinski, G. Shepard,m.fl.
Beginning C# Object Oriented Programming
ISBN 9781861006141 , 2002
Computer Concepts and Programming in C
ISBN 9788122425710 , 2009
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
ISBN 9780321543721 , 2008 , Bjarne Stroustrup
Computer Concepts and Programming in C
ISBN 9788122430578 , 2011
Introduction to C++ Programming: Comprehensive Version
ISBN 9780131594180 , 2007 , Y. Daniel Liang
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner
ISBN 9781598638752 , 2009 , Mark Lee
C++ Programming and Fundamental Concepts
ISBN 9780131182660 , 1992
Windows Forms 2005 Programming in C#
ISBN 9780321267962 , 2006 , Chris Sells, Mike Weinhardt, Michael Weinhardt,m.fl.
Microsoft Asp.Net Programming With Microsoft Visual C#.Net Deluxe Learning Edition
ISBN 9780735618152 , 2002 , Microsoft Press, G. Andrew Duthie,m.fl.
Programming in C++: lessons and applications
ISBN 9780072424126 , 2003 , Tim B. D'Orazio
Accelerated C++: practical programming by example
ISBN 9780201703535 , 2000 , Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo
C Programming for the Absolute Beginner
ISBN 9781931841528 , 2002 , Michael Vine
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner
ISBN 9781931841436 , 2002 , Dirk Henkemans, Mark Lee
C++ Programming for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780071194532 , 2003 , T.B. D'Orazio
A First Course in Computational Physics and Object-Oriented Programming with C++
ISBN 9780521827782 , 2005 , David Yevick
Computing for Scientists: Principles of Programming with Fortran 90 and C++
ISBN 9780471955962 , 1995 , Roger J. Barlow, A. Ross Barnett
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner.
ISBN 9780761535232 , 2001 , Prima Development, Crown Publishing Group
Data and Computer Communications:(International Edition) with Operating Systems:(International Edition) with C Programming Language
ISBN 9780582849976 , 2004 , William Stallings, Gary J. Nutt
Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
ISBN 9783642549588
Programming in C and PC Applications
ISBN 9788125908364 , 2000 , S.P. Rajagiopalan
Game Programming with Python
ISBN 9781584502586 , 2003 , Sean Riley
The C# Programming Language: An Annotated Reference
ISBN 9780321741769 , 2010 , Anders Hejlsberg, Mads Torgersen, Scott Wiltamuth,m.fl.
Computer Concepts And C Programming: A Holistic Approach To Learning C
ISBN 9788120332010 , 2007
Programming Microsoft Visual C++, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9781572318571 , 1998 , 5. utgave , George Shepherd, Scot Wingo, David J. Kruglinski,m.fl.
Graphics Programming With Perl
ISBN 9781930110021 , 2002 , Martien Verbruggen
Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Second Edition
ISBN 9781598633603 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Michael Dawson, Mike Dawson
Programming 8-bit PIC Microcontrollers in C
ISBN 9780750689601 , 2008 , Martin Bates
Starting Out With C#
ISBN 9781576761618 , 2005 , Tony Gaddis, James Chegwidden