Søk: 'Canadian Corner'
A Comprehensive Bibliography of English-Canadian Short Stories: 1950 - 1983
ISBN 9780920763674 , 1994 , Allan Weiss
Reeds Vol 1: Mathematics for Marine Engineers
ISBN 9781408175552 , 2013 , Kevin Corner, William Embleton
From a Speaking Place: Writings from the First 50 Years of Canadian Literature
ISBN 9781553800644 , 2009
Critical Ideas in Television Studies
ISBN 9780198742203 , 1999 , John Corner
Deregulating Telecommunications: A Comparison of U. S. and Canadian Telecommunications, 1844-1997
ISBN 9780847698257 , 2000
Out of the Corner of My Eye: Living With Vision Loss in Later Life
ISBN 9780891281931 , 1991 , Nicolette Pernot Ringgold
The Wildflower Gardener's Guide: Midwest, Great Plains and Canadian Prairies Edition
ISBN 9780882666686 , 1991 , Henry Warren Art, Hylam Skuda, Elayne Sears
Canadian Scientists and Inventors: Biographies of People who Have Made a Difference
ISBN 9781551380810 , 1997 , Harry Black
Critical ideas in television studies
ISBN 9780198742210 , 1999 , John Corner
The Art of Record: A Critical Introduction to Documentary
ISBN 9780719046872 , 1996 , John Corner
Broken Treaties: United States and Canadian Relations With the Lakota and the Plains Cree, 1868-1885
ISBN 9780803215894 , 2009 , Jill St. Germain
Shaping the Urban Landscape: Aspects of the Canadian City-Building Process
ISBN 9780886290023 , 1982 , Gilbert A. Stelter, Alan F. J. Artibise
Charting the consequences: the impact of Charter rights on Canadian law and politics
ISBN 9780802008114 , 1997 , David Schneiderman, Kate Sutherland
While Bullets Fly: The Story of a Canadian Field Surgical Unit in the Second World War
ISBN 9781425135126 , 2008 , Ian Robertson
The Wonga Coup: Guns, Thugs and a Ruthless Determination to Create Mayhem in an Oil-Rich Corner of Africa
ISBN 9781400102907 , 2006 , Adam Roberts, Simon Vance
Wonga Coup: A Tale of Guns, Germs and the Steely Determination to Create Mayhem in an Oil-Rich Corner of Africa
ISBN 9781400132904 , 2006 , Adam Roberts, Simon Vance
The Wonga Coup: A Tale of Guns, Germs and the Steely Determination to Create Mayhem in an Oil-Rich Corner of Africa
ISBN 9781400152902 , 2006 , Adam Roberts, Simon Vance
Cancer Nursing: Care in Context
ISBN 9780632039982 , 2001 , Jessica Corner, Christopher Bailey
Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation and Fracture: 19th Canadian Fracture Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 29 31 May 1989
ISBN 9780792306399 , 1990 , A.S. Krausz, J.I. Dickson, J-P.A. Immarigeon,m.fl.
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2002 Calgary, Canada, May 27-29, 2002 Proceedings
ISBN 9783540437246 , 2002 , m.fl.
Canada and the state of the planet: the social, economic, and environmental trends that are shaping our lives
ISBN 9780195412468 , 1997 , Michael Keating, Canadian Global Change Program
Enabling Occupation: An Occupational Therapy Perspective
ISBN 9781895437584 , 2002 , Elizabeth A. Townsend,m.fl.
Marine mammals and northern cultures
ISBN 9781896445267 , 2005 , Arne Kalland, Frank Sejersen, Mats Ris,m.fl.
ISBN 9781435754386 , 2008 , L. M. R. Gifts Lucy Gonzalez,m.fl.
Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2002 Revision: 2003 Update
ISBN 9780838935361 , 2003 , American Library Association,m.fl.
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules: 2002 Revision : Checklist 2003 Update
ISBN 9780838935385 , 2003 , American Library Association,m.fl.