Søk: 'China's Growing Role in World Trade'
The Religious Question in Modern China
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Bridging Troubled Waters: China, Japan, and Maritime Order in the East China Sea
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Siberian Education: Growing Up in a Criminal Underworld
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The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
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On China
ISBN 9780141049427 , 2012 , Henry A. Kissinger
ISBN 9788215017730 , 2011 , Olav Kolstad, Fredrik Sejersted,m.fl.
The Religious Question in Modern China
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Growing Out: A Biography
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A Handbook of International Trade in Services
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Religions of China in Practice
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Alternative Nuclear Futures: The Role of Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War World
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The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text Cases and Materials
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On China
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'Ecclesia Nidrosiensis' and 'Noregs veldi'; the role of the Church in the making of Norwegian domination in the Norse world
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ISBN 9781740591171 , 2002 , Korina Miller, Robert Storey, Damian Harper,m.fl.
ISBN 9789812463494 , 2004 , Berlitz International, Incorporated,m.fl.
Kids Like Me in China
ISBN 9780963847263 , 2001
Climate Policy in a Globalizing World: A CGE Model with Capital Mobility and Trade
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Globalisation and Labour Mobility in China
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Growing, Growing Strong: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children
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Fra Hompetitten til Bakvendtland: 39 barneviser
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Medicine in China: A History of Ideas
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Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising
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The Role of Inflection in Scandinavian Syntax
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Banking Reform in India and China
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Politics in the Developing World
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Bringing the world home: appropriating the West in late Qing and early Republican China
ISBN 9780824828387 , 2005 , Theodore Huters